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MzrauTEs <br />city c~,u„~~i <br />March 8: 1989 <br />Street hir. Fahey indicated that ail <br />Sweeping sweeping were very clc~se. Mr <br />~lanzer is recc~mmending that <br />Agenda bid. <br />Item Nc~. 11 <br />the bids received fcn- sti-eei; <br />. Fahey stated tnat 1=ir..~gc~r~ <br />the Cc~~u~cil appr~ve F.1lUfJ5011''5 <br />Mr. Collova introduced the Fullowing resoluticm and mcroe~ <br />its adopticm; <br />FiE=SOL..l.1"f30~.1 IVf.I. E3~9-.;3-1~:>i? -- F1F'F•'Rf.1VTNlri FChll.l[)~iE~l"'3 <br />_ ..............._......,..........._............................._ _................ <br />wiTREET SWEEFING L1ID FOR THE YEAF 1989 <br />The fcn-egaing resolutio~~ was duly secai~ded by Mr-. L~Valle, <br />(-lyes t4>, Fahey, LaValle, Scal-<e. <br />Nays fV). <br />Resalution declared adopted. <br />This resoluticn appears iii Fesc~lution Pc~c~k Nc~. 219 Fage li>4. <br />Lenterville Mrs. Scalze indicated that the Cei7terville Fc~ad F'art:: bid=.; <br />Rc~ad Fark were advertised Fe6ruary 28, the apei~ing o-iill be Mai-ch 28, <br />and cc~nstructic~n is eipected to start on April 24» <br />Agenda Mrs. 5calze asked M~-. Chle6eck to be prepared ta state the <br />Item Nn. 13 ~u~encumbered f~mds availa6le at the April 12 meetinc~. <br />Mrs. Scalze stated that Hill Sanders shc~uld be grz~ritet::l <br />approval tc~ ~pply for twa grants for the parE;!.c. <br />Mrs. 5calie intrc~duced the Follc~wii~g resolution and moved <br />its adoptio~~: <br />RE~L")L..U'T'IC)N IVL"1. E3~,~-•3-1ii3 -- F1L.17F-10f=iT:':[NCi EtIL..L ~iF1NDEf~S <br />.........._.,........._ ................................_.,................. _........ _. _..... _. <br />TO APPLY AND APPEAR ON E+EHALF DF TH~ F'AFtl:: <br />COMMISSION FDFi T410 GRANTS; ONE IN THE AMQUNT' QF <br />~25,C~~~V FOR 7HE SF'OONEF F'AF;k: F'LAY AREA AND ONE Ihl <br />THE AMOUNT OF ~25,Ot~U FOR HALF OF THE CENTEFVII.LF <br />FiOAD PARk: IRftIGATIDN SYSTEM <br />The furegc~ing resolution a~as duly seconded by Mr. Colic~va. <br />Ayes !4) CGiSGVc1. Fahey, LaValle~ Scalze. <br />Nays tp). <br />Resolution decl~red advpted. <br />This resaluticm appears i~~ Fieaolutic~n booF; Nc~. zl r F'sge 1U.°.~. <br />Mrs. Scai<e zndi~ated tnat Julie Cardiriai oi tf'ie:'! i <br />hleighbonc~~od Advisory Council will be applying far a grant <br />fur the 5uper 5ummer Day Camp in the amo~u~t c~f ~7.4irn, This <br />o-ic~uld be in additzan tr~ the funding sources frc~m the City~ <br />bingo proceeds~ etc. <br />Fage -6- <br />