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MINUTES <br />City C~~mcil <br />March 8, 1989 <br />Centarville hh-s. Scalze mei~~icmed that the Centerville Foad F'ar{: <br />Fiaad Park Etuilding Committee has met once and they will be goinr_a to <br />(cont.) BrooF:_lyn Park to loc~k st a building which is similar to the <br />one the Cammittee is prapCSing. Mrs. Scalze stated that she <br />will keep the Co~u~cil informed of their findings. <br />199C~ Mr. LaV~lle wished tc~ postpone action cm the 19'~0 Cc;n-isi.i.=.:, <br />Census ~mtil a later date 5G he would have mcn-e time fcn- discussicm <br /> with the City Cler4:. Mr. Chle6eck ii~dicated thaF, ari thr= <br />(~genda past, committees have been fiormulated so that the City can <br />Item Nc,. 14a get an accurate cc~~uit. Mr. Fahey felt that s ince the City's <br /> f~mds are dependent up nn the actual numbe~- of resi dents in <br /> t:ne City, a fc~rmal com mittee shauld be establ ished frn- the <br /> co~mt tc~ make it as ac curate as pc~ssible. <br />Mr, Fahey anna~u~ced that the City is interested iri pFnplt~ <br />that WGLIId be wiliing tc~ wcn-k cn the committee. <br />t1HFFl Mr. LaValle indicated that he would be ii~ favor- of the <br />Revc,lving prc~posed resol~~ticm pertaining ta the low income house loans <br />Loans for reaidents uf the City. <br />Agenda p1r. LaValle int~-c~duced the following resolution and if1OVFCI <br />Item Ne, 14b its adc~ptian: <br />F;Eic;r~t_.ursora rar..~. ~3=~..~3-t~.~,.,. -- ~aF~F>~;ovznir; T'41E: f'F".UF'GEi>F:"].~ <br />~ ................_....._....._........._..............................._......................... <br />RESOLUTIOhJ AS DOCUMENTED ON FAGE 22 Oh THE A6ENDA <br />F'EF:TAINIIVG TO LOtd INCOME HOUSE LOANS ANll <br />SUBMITTING IT TO THE N~RTH SUE~URRAN F'FiESfa F~R <br />FUf3LICATION IN THE CITY'S I~IEWSLETTE_F~ <br />The foregc~ing resc,lutian was duly seconded by hir. Fahey. <br />Ayes (4> Ccllova, r-aney, LaValle~ Scalze. <br />N~yS ca>. <br />Resc~lution declared sdapted. <br />Tnis resolutian appears in Resc~lutic~n Poo4: Plc~. 21, F'age 1U6, <br />Page -7- <br />