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03-08-89 Council Workshop Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
03-08-89 Council Workshop Minutes
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MINt1TE5 OF THE t•JORKSHUP MEETI~IIi <br />CI'TY COUMCIL <br />Little Canada, Minnesota <br />March 8, 1989 <br />Fursuant to due call and notice therec~f a wcn-t;shop meeting <br />of the Cauncil of the City of Little Canada. Minriesota a~ae <br />heid on the Bth day of March, 1984 i~~ the Co~n-icil Chamber-s <br />of the City Center located at S15 L.ittle Canada Road in said <br />City. <br />Mayar Michael Fahey chaired the meeting and called 'at tr..~ <br />order at b:3U p.m. aiid the fc~llowiny membei-s c~f the Coi_i~~cii <br />were present at rc~ll call: <br />htEMBERS FF~ESENT: Mayor Mr. Michael FahF~y <br />Co~u~cilwoman t9rs. Beverly 5r_al~e <br />Councilman Mr. RirF~ Callovr~ <br />Cauncilman Mr. James ~aVallr_+ <br />ALSD F'RESEhJT: City Cler•k <br />Supt. c~f Fub. <br />Chair, Solid <br />Ihem6er, Sc~lid <br />Membe~-~ Salid <br />hiem6er, Solid <br />Member~ Salid <br />Wcn-P;s <br />bJa ,te <br />LJaste <br />tdaste <br />4Jaste <br />Waste <br />t°I r . <br />ri,- . <br />t'Ir~ <br />t1r . <br />r~~- . <br />~ ~5. <br />Y•ti-s <br />Jc~sepf~ LIi7.~bacF: <br />Fe+ger- Gl~anze:n. <br />F::athy Ti.~le:=r <br />Earl V~anpJi.~rmari <br />Harry Fca~P, <br />Jean 5mi{,Ii <br />Virginia Fisher <br />Orgaiiized hir. Fahey indicated that the Solid blaste Advisc~ry f;ommittee <br />Cc~llection had made a recommendaticm ta the Cot.n~cil c~n cn-gariizecl <br />collectian as indicated in their memcn-andum dated Mai-ch 2~ <br />1989. Mr. Fahey summarized their recommendatirm~~. <br />Mr. Fahey asked what the Adviscmy Committee meai~t tay <br />subccmtracting areas c~ut within the City ~mder tl-ieii° <br />Recammendaticm No. 1. M~-. Glan~er stated that there wc~uld <br />cn~ly ~e ane cantract. but the hauler chosen ~mder° th¢:r <br />c:.cmtract cc~uld subccmtract out with the permissioi"i of ttir= <br />City. Mr. Glanzer indicated that the City would si.i7.1 t>c= <br />clealir~g o-~ith only cme hauler who wc~uld be respon:~i.ble ~u~idei- <br />th~ crmtra~t. <br />hh-. Kath stated that ifi the City cc~ntracts with cme hauler. <br />then the City has full ccmtrol, Mr. f:a~h indir_ated that the <br />[.'c~mmittee's intention was not to put the haulers out of <br />business. If the hauler chc~sen Fo~~ld subcontract r..~utP the <br />c~ther haulers a~ould still be in business. Mr. VanNr..n-mari <br />stated that ~nider the Committee's first recommendat:iori, <br />there arould not be any duplicating routes. <br />Ihr, Fahey ask.ed if thei-e ~vere any other cities which havr:~ <br />one averall cantractor whc~ subcontracts atit portiona of i:he <br />city. Mr. Fahey stated that there cc~uld be mcn-r:~ <br />inefficiencies as oppased to havii~g c~ne hauler that coulc:l <br />Fage -1- <br />
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