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03-08-89 Council Workshop Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
03-08-89 Council Workshop Minutes
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r~ zraurEs <br />City Counczl <br />t4arch B, 1989 <br />Organized just c~ntract the Uihale City without subcai~tractinc~ r.~ut. <br />Collectiun Mr. 61an~er indicsted that dc~ing so would cause a larr;~e <br />(cont.) demand ~n a hauler whc, may nat be eq~upped ta har~dl~ thi=~ <br />whale City. <br />t'Ir. Fahey stated that Recommendatic~ri Plo. 3 would eliminate <br />the possibility of trying ta decide whc~ is respcrosible fcn- <br />an area of the City. Mrs. Tipler suggested that the City <br />escape the hassle of trying tc~ fig~rre out where th~ haule~-s . <br />are all gaing to wvrk.. <br />Mr. Fahey asked for• comments from those present a1; the <br />meeting. Ms. Sue 5tanet: from bellaire Sanitaticm ii~dicated <br />the she agreed with Recc~mmendati~n No. 2. Ms. Stane4: stated <br />that they have currently farmed a co~~sortium i.i'i <br />Na. St, Paul. Mr. Fahey asked if noise polluticm ai~cl <br />trafifzr_ on raadways could be eliminated ~u~der a ccroscn-tium. <br />Ms. Sta~~ek stated that in No. St. F'aul, each haulei- had its <br />own district. Mrs. Scalze asked if a cnnsortiuim w~-~s 'Farmed~ <br />would the City have t~ ccmtract with all the haulers at oi~e <br />time. t1rs. Tipler stated that the haulers would be almc~st <br />like a corporaticm. <br />Ms. Jean Carlscm, a c~msultant for Woc~dla4::e <br />stated that currently Wc~c~dlal.a is in the middle of a coi_o-t <br />rase and v~c~uld not be able to fcmm a consCrtium ~mtil the <br />co~n-t case is ~~ver. Mr. Fahey ii~dicated that thi~, i~~ <br />anc~ther reason ~~ihy the City should either ccmtract with one <br />hauler for the entire City cn- contract sectic~ns c~'f the City <br />out to three differei~t hauler<.:,. <br />Ms. Carlson iiidicated that many cities have ended i_ify ir'~ <br />lawsuits where they had tc+ pay to the haulers the 'financial <br />value of their businesses that were lost. Mr. Fahey stated <br />that if the City lets all the haulers bid 'fc~r the .r.r.~ritract~ <br />they a~ould ail have a fair shot at acquiring the conti-act. <br />Ms. Carlson stated that sc~me h~ulers have more abi.lity tc~ <br />handle the City th~an c~thers. <br />Mrs. Scal<e mentioned that No. St. F'aul's system i.s somewha'C <br />like f;ecc~mmei~daticm No. 3; hc~wever~ No. St. F'aul has set up <br />a price of what the haulers sn~~ild charge. <br />Mr. Fahey indicated that the Ca~o~cil c~~uid give the haulers <br />30 days to form a cr_~nsoi-tium. hh-s. Fisher ask:ed if the City <br />cauld fcn-m a contract and iF i:he haulers did not wanL 'tt~ <br />follow it, they would not 6e ccrosidered. Mr. CoJ.lov~j <br />iridicated that htr. Fahey was trying tc~ accomplish 'this 6y <br />giving the haulers 3C> days to fiorm a conscn-tium. <br />Fage -r - <br />
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