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MINUTFS <br />City Council <br />April 26, 1989 <br />RESOLUTION N0. 89-4-161 - APPROVING THE APPLICATION <br />FOR BINGO LICE~ISE RE~1FwAL AS SUBMITTED I~Y THE <br />NORTN SUL~URf~FlN YOUTH ASSOCIATION <br />The for•e~oinq r•esolution was duly seconded by Mr~. Collova. <br />Ayes (5) Scalze, Collova, Fahe,y, Blesener, LaValle. <br />Nays (0). <br />Resolution declar•ed adopted. <br />Matson reported that the ~ittle Canada Recreation Association has three <br />member•s on the Nor•th Subur~ban Youth Association E~oar~d, and these members <br />have been appr•eciated. for their• input. <br />Frank Blesener reported that action was previously tabled b,y the Council on the <br />Frattalone Frank Frattalone request for rezoninq to aive the City Planner an opportunity <br />Rezoninq to meet with Mr•. Fr•attalone on the issue. <br />Aqenda The City Planner reported that Mr. Frattalone is requestinq that his property <br />Item P•lo. 9 be r•ezoned fr~om I-P to I-1 with the exception of the 233 feet of pr•oper~ty on <br />South Owasso E31vd. The Planner reported that the Council was concerned about <br />the possibility of a third lot bein~ split from the property that would not <br />meet I-P standards. This is the area where Mr. Frattalone's outdoor storage <br />is now located. <br />The Planner reported that he has reviewed four different scenarios of the <br />situation. The first encompasses retaininp I-P zonina alonq South Owasso <br />to a depth of 253 feet. This would leave 2.3 acr•es of pr~oper•ty south of <br />the site of ~9r~. Fr•attalone's existincr buildinq that could be split in the <br />future. <br />The second scenar•io moved the depth of I-P zonin~ on South Owasso to 353 <br />feet, which would leave 1.7 acres of property that could be split into a <br />thir•d lot. The thir•d scenario sugqests I-P zoning for• the entire parcel <br />with the exception of the lot suqqested by the Planner for the existinq building. <br />Thefour•th scenar~io sugqests leavinq the entir•e par~cel I-P, which is <br />obiectionable to Mr•. ~r~attalone. The Planner• stated that Fr~attalone also <br />objected to the third scenario since his storaqe yard would be located on <br />I-P propert,y and would be considered non-conforminq. <br />The Planner stated that the location of the south line of the I-1 zoninq <br />really does not make a differ•ence since in either• case, a.s outlined in <br />scenario 1 or 2, there is the possibility of splitting a third lot. The <br />Planner pointed out that the proposal for a landsplit would have to be <br />reviewed and acted upon by the City Council. <br />Fr•ank Fr~attalone stated that he would be most comfor•table with establishinq <br />the depth of the I-P zoninq at 253 feet. <br />Scalze suqgested the 353 feet, since the potential third lot would already <br />be zoned I-P and this miqht avoid some pr~oblems in the future. <br />Page -15- <br />