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P1INUTES <br />City Council <br />April 26, 1989 <br />Planner's report, the Planninq Commission recommended approval of the PUD <br />amendment as well as the plat for the r•esidential ar•ea. However•, the Commission <br />expressed concern about drainaqe. <br />Nick Roosalis reported that in response to the Planner's concerns about <br />cir•culation, he has added a walkway to the fr~eestandina building which would <br />prevent the circulation problems the Planner was concerned about. <br />Scalze asked the benant for the free-standinq building. <br />Boosalis replied that Rapid Oil C,hanae is inter•ested in this builtlinq. Boosalis <br />pointed out that the total squar•e footaae is the same as in the or•iqinal pr~oposal. <br />The Planner~ r•eviewed the setbacks of the proposed buildinqs, pointecl out that <br />the fr•ee-standi n~ bui 1 di nq i s 1 ocated on the por•ti on of pr~oper•t,y whi ch i s <br />zoned commercial, and is not adiacent to a r~esidential unit. The fr•ee- <br />standinp buildinq would be setback 5C1 feet fnom the northern propcrty line, <br />whi 1 e the 1 ar~qer r•etai 1 bui 1 di nq woul d have an 80 foot setback fr•om the nor•ther•n <br />proper~ty 1 i ne. <br />Boosalis showed cr•oss-sections of both the or•iqinal pr~oposal as well as the <br />cur•r•ent proposal pointinc~ out that there would be a 25 foot setback fr•om <br />the nor•th, then a wooden fence, and then a 15 foot setback. The areas on <br />either• side of the fence would be landscaped. This is as was or•iqinally <br />required by the Council except that the landscaped area on the south side <br />of the fence was r•educed fr~om ?_5 feet to 15 feet. Boosalis pointed out <br />that the parkinq area would be south of the 40 foot landscaped setback <br />br•i nqi nq the total setback for~ the bui 1 di ng from the nor•ther~n pr~oper•ty 1 i ne <br />to 80 feet. Therefor•e, the retail building is even less visible fr•om the <br />property on the north than the original prroposal. <br />Fahey asked if the City had previously r•equir~ed that the landscaped setback <br />area run up to Rice Street. <br />The City Planner replied that the landscaped setback was to screen the <br />buildinq and was not required to run to Rice Street. <br />Boosalis presented the residential portion of the development reporting that <br />the second access was eliminated in or•der• to make for• a better~ r~esi~iential <br />neiqhborhood. Another reason was the cost of constvucting the section of <br />road for• the second access, that was of no benefit. Boosalis pointed out <br />that in the residential por~tion of the development there is a shor•tfall in <br />revenues versus expenses, and the additional road cost makes the project <br />less feasible. <br />Scalze was concerned that the Rapid Oil Change buildinp would screen the <br />other• retail building. <br />Boosalis aqreed that it would fr•om cer•tain an~les,but felt that he would be <br />able to lease the buildinq. <br />Scalze asked if there were other tenants lined up for the larqer buildinq. <br />Paqe -R- <br />