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05-24-89 Council Minutes
City Council Meeting Minutes
05-24-89 Council Minutes
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ilinutes <br />City Counci'1 <br />P-1.ay 2a, 19£3J <br />Organized Firs, Tipler stated that the Commi~tee has rura into a ie~a <br />Collection problerns. Su~er Cycle, the firrn tkia~ curren'cly picks uk> <br />(cont.) Little Canlcla'u recycl~zbles, ~aent ou~ oi business and i~acl <br />s~nt the City a letter cancelling tl~eir contraci: as of <br />June 1, 19E39. Tne County iias been unablE to maintaiti ~he <br />iaci'19.tiesy thereLore, the City must come up with an <br />alternative solution, <br />[•7rs, Tipler indicated tkaat a cornpany by tkae narne o,°_ k21'sC0i1P <br />lzas agreecl 'co buy the recyclables ii tlzey can r~e assured <br />tziat enougki ~•~ill contract witki them for piclcup. <br />iIrs. Tipler stated thaL t;I~COt7P caould like a <br />contract with ti~e City. i-1rs. Tipler felt ~hat since tk~e <br />City is in tne middle oc negotiations with the ixaulers on <br />oryanized collcction, ~he City should not siyri a three-year <br />contract. <br />[9rs. Tipler stated ~hat tl~e otlier problern S:he Committee ~oi11 <br />kiav~ to deal with is r,vith Poor Ra.claard's. t-1rs, Tip1Er <br />indica'cec~ that the County }3oarcd l~as revoked Poor .P,ickzard's <br />li.censc, iirs. Ti~~ler said that tile City has been <br /> a~i.tti iive haulars; i:hree of wkaicai are major <br />kiaulers in the City. No~~ tnat Poor Rickaard°s license has <br />be~n revokec~, the City will only bc dealing ~~~itla t~ao rnain <br />haulers, I+lrs. Tipler stated that there is a rnoratoriwil in <br />exfict on :Licensing haulers so the rest oi the Caty cannot <br />ctaoose anyone but ~;I?I anc~ 13e11aire. P-7rs. Tipler asked i:or <br />direction xrom the Councila <br />t'1rs. Tipler caas asltec~ if ti~~ existinc~ kiaulers u~ere Gvilling <br />to ~ick u~ tYie recyclables as part of the new contract. <br />tJ1rs, '1'ipler indica~ed tixzt they are, but rnay be <br />unable ~o pick u~ recyclables in the w~kaole Citya <br />G9r. Collova ~elt that che City sllould stay with its original <br />plan of organired collection, <br />Sue Stanel; of t~ellaire indacated L-hat her cornpany s~~ould pa.clc <br />u~~ recyclables ior ats customers, firs. Scalze asked ii <br />TIS, Stanel; meant her current cus~ornersa f~7a. Starie~~ <br />indicatec~ Y:haL she meant the customers iri tlie sectio» oL the <br />City tixat i~er com,t>arzy would be assic~ned, <br />I-Trs, Scalze asked ~rkzat tiie companies wou"ld chargc tk~e <br />customers, flr. Collova indicated that this was a problem, <br />because t~xey c~o not 'r,now to where tlley woulc~ kiave to l~au]. <br />ttie recyclanles. <br />Page °].4- <br />
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