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P=linutes <br />Ci~y Council <br />t4~y 24~, 19~3~ <br />Orc~aniaed [~ir, F3lesener intormecl the Council that RECOiIP ~aants to buy <br />Co11ec~.ion out Super Cyc1e and talce over where Super Cyc1e leit of:E, <br />(conc,) p7r. Pahey ~skec~ no~,o tkie City taould p1y lssuming that it went <br />caith RECOPIP. tirs. Tipler stated that until the end ot the <br />year, the County has assured ~l~e City that they will picli up <br />1000 oi ~he costs unless it i~ over a certain arnoun~, t~ut ~t <br />the ena of ~.kie year, the Ci~y woul~i have to have a contract <br />in place, <br />I•irs. ~C'iplcr suggested tki~t the City have Sellaire and T;FI <br />begin June 1, 1939 and ~~ay tlZern ~aith the City's c~rant rnoxiey, <br />Lhen tize City ~~~oulcl tiave timc to t~iorlc on tkae contracc. <br />t~Ir. 131esener asl:ed ~~~kio ~aoulcl do tlle oa: tl~e organazecl <br />collection. P-1rs. '7'ipler indicatec~ L-kaat tl~e haulers ~=~ould do <br />thc uillii~g; ho~~~ever, if someone refused to pay their L-raslz <br />bill, ~he City ~~~ould put it on the resident°s utility bill <br />or rahatever the City chose to do. <br />P4r. Plesener asked how the racycling cY~arge ~vould i~e ~~aid <br />~or. P4r. Collova stated that the County woulc~ ~>ay ior that <br />until the end of the year. IIr, Fahey asic~d Yiow it saould be <br />paid ior a~ter ~hat, T,Irs. Tipler indicated that it svoulcl <br />appear on the residents° rcyular trash k>i11, <br />Mrs, Scalze felt tl~at the Citp should Yiave i~ellaire ancl PFT <br />begin collection of recyclables. iirs, Tipler indicateci tt~at <br />these kiaulers would be picking up ~ne recyclables se~oarate <br />frorn ti~e garb~ge. <br />P7rN. Scalze asked if tl~e hauler:; would be willing to pic4t up <br />for the same arnount of money i.kae Ci~y ~aould be getting irom <br />P.amsey County under the grant. Y1rs. 7.'ipler indicated t?~at <br />she ~aas not sure, but she ielt ~hat the haulers ~vould kaave a <br />iair price tor the City. <br />P.]r. S.lesener askec~ iL the two maa.n hau'lers are capable o!: <br /> up the additional customers that the City now has, <br />t~ts. Stanek 9.ndicated that ~hey coulct. I~1rs, Tipler ~sl.ed ii <br />t-here were any 1ega1 problems ~,~i~ki tl~e proposal. P~1r, F'aliey <br />inc~ica~ed ti~at there oras not, <br />C9r, Fahey as'r,ed if a~ortion of thE City would be divide~l <br />bet~~een the t~~~o smaller haulers, ~-irs. 'Pipler indicated i.tiat <br />it would, <br />[1r, I3lesener askc~cl ii tkie City ~aoulc{ laave to return Poor <br />Ridharc~°s customers to tl7em a£ter a year, CYrs. Tipler <br />inclicated ~hat they were not suspended but revolced. <br />]?age -15- <br />