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IIinutes <br />CiLy Council <br />t~9ay 7.4, ].989 <br />prgani~ecl __ introduced the iollo~~ing resolution anc1 moveci <br />Collection its adoptione <br />(cont,) <br />RPSOLC7TTON N0~ L9-5-216 - T~MPORARILY REQU&S'PING <br />`Pf~1~ EXISTTNG fIl1UL~RS IN 'Z'IiE CT2'Y `PO PICKUP SINGLE <br />FF~PITLY I2I~;SiDEi~lTt~'1L ktT3f't7SL~ F1ND PFCYCLAk;T~PS <br />The £oreyoing resolution raas duly seconc~ea by ______ <br />Ayes (5) Slesener., Collova, Paliey, LaV~~ii~, Scalze, <br />Nays (0). <br />Reso].uta.on ~lcclareil adopted, <br />t1rs. Tipler indicated that tkie multip'le tamily unii:s woula <br />need service also, C~1rs, Tipler :[elt tk1aL- ~ilese units should <br />be ~ut out for bid, <br />its adopta.on: <br />introc7uced tlae Lollowing resolution and rnoved <br />ItF:,SOI~UTION NO~_ £3H_,5=217 - CALLING POR I32DS TO B}3 <br />TATC~N L'Ok2 F2FCYCLING PICI~i7P POR bIUL'.C'IPT~E E'AMILY <br />UNITS <br />The foregoing resolution was duly seconded by ____~____~_, <br />~1yes (5) F3lesener, Collova, Fak~ey, LaValle, Scalze. <br />Nays (0). <br />Pesolution declared adopted, <br />PIr. Fahey asked if P4rs, Tipler was sti7.l negoti.ating wii:h <br />the two major haulers on a price. P7rs. Tipler indi.cated <br />that she was still negotiating, i~ir. Fahey asked if tkzere <br />would be a reduction in collection costs if residents <br />recycle. c1rs, Tipler indicated that 9.n t1~e ~ast ther~ was <br />b~cause ot the markets tkiaE were available, but she felt <br />tha~ this was not ttae case anyrnore, <br />Page -16- <br />