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t•7in~i~es <br />CourzciJ_ tieetiny <br />,7une 1~, a.~"9 <br />L,E?7.(JG~. Mr, Sob Lcibel ap~pearecl be£ore tkie Council Lor ap~roval oi <br />liis house location> <br />~ir, I3lesexier a.ntroduced the following resolution and movecl <br />its adoptions <br />I2ESOLU`CTON iVC~_ ~39-~237 °~PPI.:bVIA7G TEIE I30B T~EIE3~L IIOUSF3 <br />PL11N t~S PRESENTED. <br />The ioregoincl resolution ~aas cluly seconded by t~ir. TaaV~111e <br />Ayes (3) Scalze, I3lesener, LaValle <br />~tayes ( 0 ) <br />Resolution declared adopted, <br />'Tkie Council discussed tl~e driv~taay on the Leibel pro~~erty. <br />'I'he City Planner. F~ill c3et a re~~ort crom the I3ui].ding <br />Ofiicial. T~Ir, Leibel yuestioned why k~e could not do his <br />ovan plurnbinc~, heatinc~ and elec~ric contracting, Ti~e <br />Council is requesting a report from the Puilcling O~1`:LC11~ <br />concerning ~liis ma~ter, <br />Palmen <br />Aclda.ta.on P4r. Palmen ap~>elrecl bei ore the Coui~cil regarding the water <br />availability to the ttid Oaks 11dc1itione 7'lie Cost oa; <br />indiviciual ~aould be $10,000 a 1ot. <br />Fire Ckaief Graczyk submittcd a letter stating tkzai ~he <br />De~~rtmen~ does no~ klave 1dec~uate apparatus to ~~rotect <br />these hornes. <br />P1r. Sweeney revicwed the F'ire Code, <br />Ptr> P11men rc~quESted City ~aater zt a reasonable cost> '1'iae <br />Council discussed the i~sue o~` wheti~er to serve tYae plat or <br />close the loop, The Pngineer estima~ed it would cosf: <br />5100,000 to servc ~ l~omes and 5300,000 to close the ].oo~~, <br />P•4r. Plesener inirocluced tlae folloraing resolutiori anct moved <br />iLS adoption, <br />RPSOLU7~' OIV t,~0, f3~~6 _23B - T[~PLSNG ^IIE RO~7FILD PE1L~'-7L;N 64t1`P~'R <br />RESOLU'Z'IO~T SxATCF 'PIIIs' VOTF;S APF IVO`l' kIFI2I: TO P.~;OLVI~ 'I'ilE <br />ISStJE TO~dIGFI7.', <br />T1zG ioregoing resol.ution wa, seconded by P1rs Scalze. <br />Ayes (3) Scalze, P,lesener, Llvalle <br />Nays (0) <br />ResoJ.uti.on cleclared adopted, <br />Page 6 <br />