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P9inutes <br />Council P-leeting <br />June l~, 1989 <br />Fire Dept. <br />Gambling Lic. <br />Tobin Claim <br />Tom Theis <br />Ltoosal is <br />Rice and C <br />A~r. F3].esener will woric with Public 67orlcs and tlie Pire Ckaiea: <br />regarding this matter. <br />P9r, LaValle introcluced the following resolution and moved <br />its adoptiona <br />RESOLUTION_PIO,_ F39-_Fi~239 - FIPPROVING THr APPLIC2ITION FOZt THS <br />LITTLE CAN~DA FIR~ I)rP11RTP9ENT' S G1aME;LING LICTUSE POR PULL <br />TF113S AND &'TNGO WI'PII TFIP In7AIV~P. OF THE 60 DAYS. <br />The foregoing resolution was duly seconded by P•9rs> Scalze. <br />Ayes (3) Scalze, Blesener, LaValle. <br />Nays (0) <br />R~solution declared adopted. <br />[ir, Carley will report on the Renneth Tobin Insurance Claim <br />at the next mee~iny, <br />1lnnette Theis, 6n~ County Road D, appeared before the <br />Council a~~plying for an extension on their lot split, <br />P7r. Sweeney advised her that tkie last extension has expired <br />and they ~aould have to start over again with an application <br />for the lot split. <br />P•4rs. Scalze mentioned the recommenciations made by the <br />Economic llevelopment Cornmittee to the Council concerning <br />the Rice & C Cen~:er, One is that the TTI' funds from other <br />projects do not go to~aards funding the ~oosalis project, <br />Tu~o is that the City Council authorize P(fr. Wilson to work <br />with Iioosalis in gettiny his figures more in line. <br />r9r. F3oosalis appearec~ before the Council and presentecl the <br />latest changes in the Rice & C Center I7 Compler. His plan <br />is to cap~.ure the increment frorn the new center to ~~~rite <br />do~an the cost of tkie residential subclivision. IIe cannot <br />af£ord to ~alce a loss on the resideritial portion, <br />P~Irs, Scalze brouglat up the issue o~ the drainaye at the ~nd <br />oL i:he cul-cle-sac which has to be t~ken care of, <br />P•9r. Grittrnan statecl that the City has to produce a ta:t <br />incr~ment plan, a new preliminary plan must be submitted <br />vahich woulc3 involve a lzearing and a f.i.nal plan must be <br />approved. <br />TIr. Carley poin~ed out that the County is going to overlay <br />County Ro~d C, and ~hey have a rule that once they do this <br />it cannot be cut open ~or five years, <br />Page 7 <br />