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MINUT~S <br />CITY COUNCIL <br />JUNE 25, 1997 <br />OKDINANCE NO. 456 -~I N OLZUINANCG AMENDING THE <br />I,/TTI,E CANAllfI ZON/NC OKDINANCE 7'O M~1 KE /lOME <br />OCCDPATION /.ICENSG RENEWA[.S AN AUMLNISTRATIVE <br />PERMI%' PROCE.S.S <br />The foregoi~~g ordinance was duly secaided by Scaize. <br />Ayes (5) Morelan, Scalze, Pedersen, Fahey, LaValle. <br />N~ys (0). Resol~ition <iedared a<topted. <br />STATUTE Mr. Dale Laugfoss, ~n lrchitect representing the Church of Jesus C}~rist of <br />130G the Latter-Day Saiuts, ap~eared before Che Cow~cil requesting that the City <br />repeal iCS adoption of St~ite StlCute1306, Special Fire ProtecYion Systems. <br />Lingfoss reported tl~~t the Chw'ch is doins~ some remodelin~ as well as a <br />small addition. Bec~use of the small addition, the requirements of Section <br />1306 kick in and Yhe entire building will h2ve to be sprinl<led. <br />Scalze stated that it w~s her ~uidersC~ii~din~ the City couid not exempt <br />lnyoiie Prom Section 1306 requirements. Pahey repiied that there is no <br />exemUtion provision, the issue is whether or not the City is willin~ to <br />repeal Section 1306. <br />Morelan stated th~C he was ~ firm believer in sprinl<ler systems, and <br />suggested the Church (ool: at it {iom <~ public safety standpoint. Morelan <br />stated that he was not in favor of repealing Section 1306. <br />F~hey reviewed the B~iilding OTl~icial's letter dated J~ine 18'~' which points <br />out ti~at the additionai tloor area increases occu~~lncy of Che building <br />wl~ich then triggers t~he requirement that a tu'e suppression system be <br />instal(ed. <br />Langfoss reporCed dlat in reality the occ~ipancy of the b~iilding is not <br />incretising. The addition will add 1 youth room and mu'sery area to the <br />buildin~, but in re~lity wiil not~ increase the occupancy. <br />P'ahey indiclted that he was not willing co eliminate Section 1306, and if <br />the City exempts this situation, it beCter be willing to abandon the <br />requirement throu~hout the City_ Morel~n 2~reeci; however, asl<ed <br />whether the last sentence in Subparagraph 3 ~~plied in Yhis case. <br />'I'lie City Administrator replied that the Chwch is a Group A occupancy; <br />tl~erefore, tl~e exemption noted in this para~raph does not a~>ply. <br />Fahey indicated th~t it would be a major shift in public policy Co elimin~te <br />SecYion 1306. Fahey stated that his preference was to see buildings <br />