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MINUTGS <br />CITY CO~UNC;IL <br />JUN~ 25, 1997 <br />sprinl<led, and asl<ed if there was some way for tl~e City to assisC wit~h <br />costs. <br />Ltingfoss reported th~t while the addiYion is a~~~~roximately 4% of the costs <br />of the entire project, sprinl<ling is 10% of Yhe cost Lan~foss reported that <br />Section 1306 is very specii'ic in thac Uiere are no variances 211owed. <br />Langfoss reported that insiny cities are rwinin~ i~~to the same }~roblem, <br />where the requirement of a f~u e suppressioi~ system is triggered by a small <br />addition. For this reason 1 lot of cities have not ado~ted Section 1306. <br />Scaize indiclted that the tlecision was eiUier to retain Section 1306 or <br />repeal it. <br />Fahey poinCed o~it th~t the CiCy has made progress Gom a life slfety <br />standpoint because of its ldoption of SecCion 1306. "fo repeal th2t Section <br />becuise of this o~~e situation would be a b~d ~~olicy decision. Fahey <br />su~gested tl~at the remedy mtiy be to asl< the Legis(ature to modify the <br />St1te Statute to allow for exemptions for smail atlditions. <br />L1n~foss repoiCed fhat he h~s worl<ed closely with Che Building Inspector <br />to find a way a loophole in the ordinance and was wiable to do so. <br />Lan~foss i~ointed out th~C sprinl<ler systems protect buildings and not <br />lives. <br />More(an pointed out that a sol~ition would be to just~ clo the remodeling and <br />not the addition. Langfoss repiied th~t the addition is needed. <br />Fahey suggested fhere may be some State funding or grants or foundations <br />whict~ would assisT in the cost of sprinl<lin~ the building. <br />Denuis Alsop, Pl~ysic~i Pacilities Representltive for the Church, pointed <br />o~tt that Section 1306 is so restrictive it gives theiY~ no ability to <br />accommodate small addit~ions. Alsop reported Chat they would have no <br />problem inst211ing a fire s~ippression system if it were new construction <br />they were woii<iu~ with. Alsop re~~orted that they did a si~Tiilar small <br />addition in the City of Bioomin~ton, and they were exempted fro~n <br />Section 1306 by inst111in~ a higher tire-rated wall between the new <br />addition and the existing structure. <br />Alsop re~aorted that the cosr of sprinl:ling the entire buildin~ is <br />lpproxim2tely $75,000 and will require iustallation oPa tlry system that is <br />gulranteed f'or down to 30 below zero. Alsop reported thlt the Church <br />wo~ild lil<e addieional space, but~ cannot justify the addition due to the <br />2dded cosC of the sprini<ler sysCem. Alsop reported that he is asl<in~ tlie <br />City to help them so they can meeC their desires. Alsop asl<ed if it was <br />12 <br />