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MINUT~S <br />CiTY COUNCIL <br />JUNE 2.5, 1997 <br />GOOSE Tl~e CiTy AdminishaCor reviewed his recomrnendation to conCract with <br />CONTROL the DNR for goose control round up at a cost of $500 per year for the next <br />two years. This reconunendation is a result of'calls thlt hlve been <br />received regarding the proliferation ofthe goose pop~dation and associated <br />nuisances. The Administrator repoirted that I~e has commitments from St <br />Jucie Medical as well as Grand I're' to particip~te in the cost of this effort. <br />The Atlministr~tor indic~ced that he would contact other businesses in the <br />City to soliciC tiheir plrticipation. <br />Mr. Morelan introd~~ced the following resolution and inoved its adoption: <br />R~SOI.UTION N0. 97-6-152 -AUTHORIZING 1 HL' DNR TO <br />CONDUCT GOOSE CON%RO% ROUND-UP.S /N 7'HE CLTY DURING <br />'lFlE YEAR 1 J97 AND 1998 ~1 %' il COST OF DP TO $Sl/0 PEIt Y~Ati <br />AS RECOMNIENDlD BY THE CITI'ADNI/NI.ST/ZATOIZ <br />The foregoii~g resolution was d~ily secondecl by Sc~lze. <br />Ayes (5) Morelln, Scalze, Pedersen, LaValle, Pahey. <br />1V1ys (0). Resolution dedared adopted. <br />CONSENT Mr. LaValle inCroduced the followin~ resolufion 1nc1 moved iCS adoption: <br />AGENDA <br />RESOl.U%YUNNO. 97-6-LS3-APPKUV/NG %Y/t CON.SENT <br />AGENDfI WI//CH CON'['A[N.S THG f'Y)I.LUW/NCr /TEM.4: <br />~CAI,LCNG A PUBLIC /16'A127NG FOK WEDNE.S'DAY, ./ULY 9, 7997 <br />7'0 CONSIDER !/!G U~ICATION OF ROAD RIGHT-OI"-WAYAS <br />RE~(I~'STED 13YS%: JUDG IYIED/CA/.; <br />*APYROVING I.OC'AI. PERh'ORMANCG AID CER77I~ICATIONAS <br />[ZECOMMGNDGD /3Y %'HE C/TPADNIINf.STRATOR; <br />*APPItOVINGA TENIPURARYLIQUOR /.ICEN.SG f'OR CANADI~IN <br />DAY.S` COMb1[7'l'GE FOR AUGUST 8, l, l 0, 19I7 AT SPOON~R <br />PA/Z/C <br />The foregoing resolution was d~ily seconded by Pedersen. <br />Ayes (5) LaValle, Pedersen, Nlorelan, I~ahey, Scalze. <br />Nays (0). Resolution declared adopted. <br />COMMISSION The City Attorney submitted for Council ~pproval two ordinances <br />ATTENDANCG which establish attendence req~iirements i'or members of the Planning <br />ORDINANC~S Commiss'ion and the Parl<s & Recreation Commission. lt w~s noCed these <br />l4 <br />