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MINUT~S <br />CITY CODNCIL <br />JUNE 25, 1997 <br />{~ossible to change Che (~ue ratin~ on the walis adjoining t~he lddition, add <br />smol<e ~11rms, eta nlsop pointed out that in additiou to the cost, ~ <br />sprinlder system woultl be very ~insi~htly given the existin~ ceilin~s. <br />Fahey asl<ed if Yhe situation were all or none and if there was another way <br />to address it. F~hey ~sl<ed if there were alternative building codes that <br />could be ldopted. F1hey felt Section 130G appeared to be overreaching <br />for small additions, and asl<ed if there was a way the CiYy could use some <br />discretion in these situations. Fahey s~ig~ested the matter be tabled for <br />two weel<s peridii~g <t report from the Building Offcial. Fahey ii~dicated i <br />seems the aPPects o1'Secfion 1306 are overreaching in this c1se, 1nd asl<ed <br />if tlle City was allowed any discretion for smail addiYions. <br />'I'he City Admiilistrator indicated th~t he can have the Building Official <br />report furtlier on this matter. However, he did not believe there were ai~y <br />options iu lddition to what has already been identifietl relative to Section <br />1306. <br />l~ahey st~ted tl~~t he would lil;e to challenge the 13uiltling Ofticial to find <br />an option. Morelan suggested perhaps t~he City couid write iCS own Code <br />and allow for small additions wifhout the need for installltion of a fire <br />suppression systein. Scalze suggested the City lool: at~ I~ow the City of <br />Bioomin;ton addressed fhe situation. <br />Mr. F~t~ey introduced the following resolution and moved its ado~tion: <br />RE,SOl,UTLON NO. 97-6-I57 - Til/3L/NG ACTlON ON TKE <br />RGQLI~:ST OF THG CHURG'EI OF JESU.S CF/121.ST OF TflE <br />I,ATTER-D~1 YSF17N7:S 1~OR REPC~17 OFSTA%Ys STATUTE <br />SG'CTLON 1306 FOR T6V0 W£sE.'ICS AND /ZG~UGS%YNCi %'HE <br />13UII,DLNG OF'F/CIFI L/ZIPOKT ON OPTlON.S FOIZ ~I DDRESS/NG <br />TFIE CITI"S 013J~C77VL3.S lN fl D/FFERfi'NT WAY, TFlA7' 4S, <br />AI,TCI2NATIVE 13U11_DING COUf:.S, lTG: <br />The fore~oi~~g resolution w~s duly seconded by LaV~lle. <br />Ayes (5) Pahey, LaValie, Scalze, Pedersen, Morelan. <br />Nays (0). Resolution ~ieciared adopted. <br />RECESS At this point in the mee4in~, 5:50 P.M., the Council took a short recess. <br />The meetin~ was reconvened aC 9:00 P.M. <br />13 <br />