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1VIINUTLS <br />CITY COUNCIL <br />JUN~ 25, 1997 <br />COIYIPl.IANCE Wl%'H THG ItECOMN1ENDfiTION.S OF THE CITY <br />PI_ANNE2 AS OUTI./NtsD /N H/S RL'PUKT DATED ./(INE 70, T 997 <br />The fore~oing resol~ition w~is tluly seconded by LaValle. <br />Ayes (5) Sc11ze, LaValle, Morelan, I?edersen, Scalre. <br />Nays (0). Resolution declared adopted. <br />RCZONING M1yor Fahey o~~ened the Public I-[earing to consider the 2ppiication <br />AS W~LL AS for Rezo~~ing to B-2 as well as other various Zonin~ and Subdivision <br />VARIOUS approv~ls in order to constnict a five (5) 61y, 3,680 s~uare foot auto <br />ZONING ANb service facility for Tuffy Auto Service Centers on the property <br />SUBDIVISION located at a~proximately 2310 Rice Street. Fahey pointed out that the <br />APPROVALS - Planning Cominission recoi~~n~~endetl ~pproval of the ~~roposal subject <br />TUTFY'S to several conditions. Fahey asl<ed if Yhe propos~l was consistent with <br />AUTO CENT'~'R the City's Comprehensive Plan. <br />The City 1'lanner replied Chat~ the area 11ong Rice Sh~eet south of the school <br />~i'operty is a~~ appropriate area for au¢o-rel~ted uses. Tl~e Planner pointed <br />out thlt McDonald's, I lardees, Fina, Bob's Cycle exist in this area and are <br />consistent with I3-2 type uses. <br />Fahey indicated th2t he thoubht the point of the City's worl< in plam~ing <br />foc Rice SYreet wfis t'o resh'ict B-Z uses. <br />The Pla~uier pointed out that there ~re cun'ent(y no B-2 zoned properties <br />within the City. Previously, the Cit~y's Zonin~ Cotle providetl for B-1 and <br />B-2 uses to rollover into B-3. The City eliminated this rollover provision <br />and currently anyone proposing a F3-2 use will also hlve to request a <br />rezonin~ to B-2. <br />Scalze indicated that her recollection is that the Council had relsons f'or <br />eliminating the B-2 rollover, and st~ted that she does not remember <br />anyone su~gesting the area south of the school be rezoned to E3-2. <br />The CiCy Pl~iv~er pointed o~it tl~at the Development Guide cliscusses the <br />~~ode concept antl sep~ratir~g commercial uses with other uses. The Comp <br />Plan includes tliscussion of ~uto-related commercial uses south of the <br />school property because of the proximity to the freeway interchan~e. <br />Sca(ze suggesCed thlt ~tnythin~ can be called a node, and questioned when <br />a node bec2me spot zonin~. <br />N(orelan pointed o~it that the City never had any I3-2 zonin~, jusY B-3 with <br />B-2 uses rolling in. "The City did a text amendment and eliminaYed the <br />7 <br />