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MINUTLS <br />CITY COUNCIL <br />JUNE 25, 1997 <br />rollover provision 1or I3-2 thlt i esulfed in a lot of properties becoming <br />nou-conforming uses. Nlorelan ~oinCed outthatChe Councillaiew this <br />whei~ it did it. Morelln felt~ the Council's intention was to see wl~at <br />development ~roposals came in ~ind ac{dress each on a case-by-case basis. <br />Morelan felt the question was whether or not the Tuffy's Auto CenYer was <br />a good use for the area. <br />Pahey f'elt tl~e discussion of ~u¢o-relaCed ~ises for areas ~dj~ticent to tl~e <br />fi~eeway made sense, but q~iestioned how these uses should extend down <br />Rice Street away from the freeway. <br />Morelln thougl~f the Com~~ Plan says thlt Rice Street so~ith of the middle <br />school was a good area tor auto-rel~ted uses. <br />Scalze asl<ed about the sit~uat~ion where a tleveloper is interested in p~itting <br />a~ito-related uses at the Rice Street/[.ittle C~nad1 Road intersection. <br />Morelan poinCed out that that area is not desi~nated as auto-related <br />commerci~i. Only Che ~rea south oPehe middle school I~as been identified <br />as such. <br />The City Planner indicated thlt this was his recollection of the discussion <br />as well. <br />Sealze expressed concern with t~he Pl~nnin~ Commission's <br />recommendation th1t~ just~ one parcel be rezoned to B-2. <br />Fahey indic~ted l~e agreetl with that reconunendation. If the City rezones <br />the entire area now, it will lose cont~rol over wl~at is developetl. Tl~e City <br />might eud up with three auto service centers in a row. <br />Morelan indicated he would not want to rezone more than just the Tuffy's <br />parcel witliout frst lool<ing at the uses allowed in the B-2 District. <br />It was ~ointed out that Hardees is closed, and Scalze questioned whether <br />allowing auto-rel~teci businesses in this ~irea is the right thing to do. <br />Scalze ~~ointed out tht~t Bally's is not auCO-related and it is succeeding. <br />Fahey asked if the school property is bein~ used as ~i physical barrier to <br />the auto-related businesses. 1"he Pl~nner re~~lied that the Land Use Plar, <br />~ises this {~ro~eity ~s a physical barrier, ~nd he recom~riended that auto- <br />related uses not extentl north fiom th~t point. <br />Geof'fiey Benedict reported that he is aware of the Abra proposal from two <br />years ago 1nd noted that the Abra business is m~ijor auto repair. Tuffy's is <br />