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MINUTES <br />CITY COUNCIL <br />JULY 22, 1998 <br />The City AdminisfrlCOr was not s~ire tl~at most TIF a~reements had this <br />provision guara~~teeing 1 tax increment shortfall. The Administrator <br />pointed out tllat tl~e TIF District h~s done fine and the guarantee has not <br />come into pl1y. <br />Morelan suggested tl~at ratl~er th~n eliminate the guarantee clause, the <br />amount be adjusted to set the minimum increment equal to the bonded <br />debt payment. The Admiuishator agreed that this would be wise. <br />Wes Johnson, Griftin Coinpany, pointed ouC Chat ICandice Heights II is not <br />competitive in the marl<et. The tax burden on the propeity is unusually <br />hi~h given thlt the buildin~ is sm~IL Kandice I-Ieights I is becoming <br />competitive with other properties in the marl<et, however. Johnson <br />reported th~t they are asl<ing Co be put on a competitive basis witl~ similar <br />proper[ies, b~iC ~inderstood that Che City neetls ro get a ret~irn on its bonds. <br />P1hey supported Council Member Morelan's recommendation agreeing <br />Y1~aC the City needs to ensw~e thlt the project cash t7ows so that the City is <br />not subsidizing this property. I-Iowever, the City would not want to make <br />money at the property owne~'s expense. <br />Wes Johnson indicated that he does not laiow the impact ofMorelan's <br />recommendation unYil he I<nows t~he numbers. Johnson pointecl out, <br />however, that the properCy taxes being p~id on the ICandice properties are <br />hi~her than wl~at simil~r properties ~~ay. Johnson reported th~t he has a <br />pw'cllase a~reement in pface on Kandice L Tl~e TIF guarantee is an issue <br />affectin~ the s11e of this property. <br />Scalze poii~ted out tl~at the City is awlre that Kandice II was a small <br />project that wider~itilized the property. Tl~is is why the gulrantee is in the <br />development agreement. Scalze reported that TIF was used to help <br />develop these sites wiCh the idea thlt additional development would occur <br />as welL However, the developer only completed Kandice Hei~hts I and II. <br />Johnson ~~reed th~t Kandice II undeiutilized the site 2ntl provided no <br />economies of scale. <br />Fahey asl<ed Yhe effect of Morelan's recommendation. <br />The City Administr~tor replied thlt the guarantee would equal debt service <br />payments oi~ the bonds. Those amoiu~ts are lower tl~1n the increment <br />projected 1s current class raYes me~ning 2 small sw~pl~is will still exist. <br />Morelan noted that tlie City will ~et enou~h revenue to pay the bonds. <br />Morelan felt it f~ir to set the miuimum at a point that allows the bonds to <br />cash flow. <br />