Bill summaries continued
<br />Other changes would also provide
<br />that a losing candidate in a local
<br />primary or election to a county, muni-
<br />cipal or school district office may
<br />request a recount if the difference
<br />between the vote cast for that candidate
<br />and the winning candidate is less than
<br />one -half of one percent of the total
<br />votes counted for that office. Where
<br />two or more offices are being filled
<br />from among the candidates, the
<br />difference would be between the
<br />elected candidate with the fewest votes
<br />and the candidate with the most votes
<br />from among those who were not
<br />elected. Current provisions for required
<br />local recounts provide for an optional
<br />recount if there is a difference of five
<br />votes or less when the total vote cast is
<br />100 votes or less; ten votes or less when
<br />the total vote cast is more than 100 but
<br />less than 500; 20 votes or less when
<br />the total vote cast is more than 500 but
<br />not more than 2,000; and one percent
<br />of the votes or less when the total
<br />votes cast are more than 2,000 but less
<br />than 10,000. These provisions would
<br />be repealed in favor of the lower one -
<br />half of one percent threshold for such
<br />recounts.AH
<br />ing plan would be considered for
<br />adoption. Once a copy of a redistrict-
<br />ing plan has been posted on the web
<br />site for the Legislative Coordinating
<br />Commission's Subcommittee on
<br />Geographic Information Systems, a
<br />plan would be eligible to be considered.
<br />Provisions would be effective the day
<br />following final enactment.AH
<br />Joint resolution defining
<br />redistricting principles
<br />HF 1566 (Pelowslci, Gray, Pugh, Luther,
<br />Anderson, I.) (Redistricting) /SF 1326
<br />(Pogemiller) (Rules) would propose a
<br />joint resolution to be adopted by both
<br />the bodies of the state legislature to
<br />establish principles for redistricting
<br />legislative and congressional districts
<br />following the 2000 census. Principles
<br />relating to deviation from equal
<br />population; contiguity and compact-
<br />ness; numbering; minority representa-
<br />tion; preservation of boundaries of
<br />cities, counties, townships and school
<br />districts and communities of interest;
<br />and political competitiveness. Other
<br />principles included in the resolution
<br />are those related to geographic area
<br />and population counts to be used and
<br />the rules regarding when a redistrict-
<br />Odd - numbered year elections for
<br />cities, counties and school districts
<br />HF 1587 (Krinkie, Lipman, Seifert,
<br />Osthoff, Milbert, Kielkucki) (Govern-
<br />mental Operations) would require all
<br />elected city, county, and school officials
<br />to stand for election a year before
<br />their terms expire and would provide
<br />that terms of office for all such positions
<br />begin in January in even - numbered
<br />years.The terms oflocal elected
<br />officials currently in office whose terms
<br />would be affected by the proposed
<br />change in the schedule oflocal
<br />government elections would be
<br />extended for one year. Local govern-
<br />ment primaries would be subject to
<br />statutes governing state primaries,
<br />making the date oflocal primaries the
<br />first Tuesday after the second Monday
<br />in September. Local government
<br />general elections would be held on the
<br />first Tuesday after the second Monday
<br />in November of odd - numbered years.
<br />Other provisions would create a county
<br />canvassing board to certify the results
<br />of local government primaries. Primary
<br />ballots would contain the names of
<br />candidates seeking nomination to
<br />local office. Each county auditor
<br />would be responsible for preparing
<br />the primary and general election.The
<br />secretary of state would be authorized
<br />to adopt rules for the format and
<br />preparation of the ballots. AH
<br />Redistricting principles
<br />SF 1013 (Pogemiller, Moe, Johnson,
<br />Dave) (Rules) would establish prin-
<br />ciples for legislative and congressional
<br />redistricting. (They are the same as
<br />those set forth in the proposed joint
<br />resolution summarized above.)
<br />Provisions would be effective the day
<br />following final enactment.AH
<br />Employment
<br />Employment- related disclosures
<br />HF 1361 (Workman) (Civil Law)
<br />provides immunity for certain
<br />employment - related disclosure by
<br />trucking firm. RS
<br />Employment - related disclosures
<br />HF 1362 (Workman) (Civil Law)
<br />provides immunity for certain
<br />employment - related disclosures to
<br />intermediate care facilities for person
<br />with mental retardation or related
<br />conditions. RS
<br />Minor age employment
<br />certification
<br />HF 1409 (Jacobson, Sertich,
<br />Hackbarth,Tingiestad, Rhodes,
<br />Marquan, Rukavina, Gunther)
<br />(Commerce, Jobs & Economic
<br />Development) adds an alternative
<br />form for minor age certification. RS
<br />Rural Policy and Development
<br />Center employees
<br />HF 1410 (Gunther, Mulder, Dorn,
<br />Leighton, Wenzel, Schumacher, etc.)
<br />(Government Operations &Veterans
<br />Affairs Policy) allows staff of Rural
<br />Policy and Development Center to
<br />participate in state insurance, retire-
<br />ment, and other plans that apply to
<br />state employees. RS
<br />Telecommuting days
<br />HF 1513 (Westerberg, Davids,Work-
<br />man, Davnie,Abeler, Hackbarth, etc.)
<br />(Commerce,Jobs & Economic Devel-
<br />opment) provides for the designation
<br />of telecommudng days. RS
<br />Colleges and university positions
<br />HF 1569 (Osskopp, Smith, Kahn,
<br />Rhodes, Mares, Carlson, Opatz)
<br />(Governmental Operations & Veterans
<br />Affairs Policy) reclassifies certain
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<br />LMC Cities Bulletin
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