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MINUTES <br />PLANNING COMMISSION <br />FEBRUARY 15, 2001 <br />Theis indicated that he understands Otto's concern, but pointed out that he <br />is not changing the situation, he is just extending what currently exists <br />another 87 feet. <br />Knudsen asked if Theis read the Planner's report and the recommendation <br />for a temporary turn- around at the end of the Leeward Way extension. <br />Theis replied that he did and indicated that he would be willing to install <br />some sort of turnaround. <br />Knudsen asked how a temporary turnaround would happen. The City <br />Planner indicated that the street pavement would be installed down the <br />middle of the right -of -way. In the last fifteen feet or so the pavement <br />could flair out to provide a temporary turn- around area. This extra <br />pavement could then be removed at the time Leeward Way is extended. <br />The City Planner also pointed out that when Leeward Way is extended to <br />the south, it will jog slightly to the east to line the street up to straddle the <br />common property line for 785 and 791 LaBore Road. <br />Jason Larson, 3035 Leeward Way, indicated that he purchased his home <br />because it was located on a dead -end street and indicated that he would <br />like to see Leeward Way remain as such. <br />Keis pointed out the potential for the street to extend further south and <br />have a connection to Allen Avenue. <br />Roycraft stated that he did not like the temporary turn - around situation at <br />the end of Leeward Way. He pointed out that during the winter, the turn <br />around area becomes smaller with snow storage. <br />Debby Lancette, 791 LaBore Road, asked about assessments for the road <br />improvement. The City Planner replied that the street extension proposed <br />by Mr. Theis would be paid for by him. The Planner noted that at the time <br />the property to the south is developed, the benefiting property owners <br />would pay the cost of the street extension at that time. <br />Debby Lancette pointed out that a property owner of a lot on Allen <br />Avenue had wanted to develop his lot, and the Council indicated that they <br />would not allow a dead end street to service this lot. The City Planner <br />indicated that the situation was that the property owner wanted to serve his <br />lot with a driveway on the street right -of -way. The Code requires that <br />City lots front on an improved street, and the property owner on the other <br />side of the right -of -way was not in favor the street improvement. <br />The Planner further pointed out that Code restricts the length of cul -de- <br />sacs to 500 feet in length. Because the Leeward Way cul -de -sac is a <br />Page 22 <br />