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MINUTES <br />CITY COUNCIL <br />MAY 9, 2000 <br />Fahey indicated that preliminary information shows poor soils on the <br />South Owasso Blvd. site. However, before going to the expense of having <br />soil borings done, Precision Tree would like an indication of whether or <br />not the Council will support their development proposal for this site. <br />Fahey noted that it is clear that a half -acre of outdoor storage was not <br />approved for the Country Drive site. Fahey indicated that his impression <br />is that Precision Tree should be allowed to continue to do business in the <br />same fashion as was approved for their Country Drive site. He indicated <br />that the variance proposed for the amount of outdoor storage was too great <br />a departure from the standards of the I -P Zoning District. <br />Precision Tree indicated that they need sufficient outdoor storage for four <br />trucks and for woodpiles as well as the ability to maneuver the trucks <br />around. The City Administrator indicated that the maneuvering area is <br />generally not considered in calculating the outdoor storage area. <br />Scalze asked how the City would maintain control over the amount of <br />outdoor storage on the site. The Administrator indicated that periodic <br />inspections would have to occur to ensure that the outdoor storage was not <br />expanded. <br />Morelan pointed out from the Planner's report that Precision Tree is <br />proposing a phased development. The first phase would be a building <br />approximately 3,680 square feet in size that results in the outdoor storage <br />being 120% of the building area. The second phase expands the building <br />by 3,360 square feet, which results in outdoor storage being 63% of the <br />building size that is in compliance with the standards of the I -P District. <br />Scalze noted that at the Planning Commission meeting, Precision Tree <br />indicated that they would not need more outdoor storage than what is <br />being proposed. Precision Tree indicated that was correct. <br />Fahey indicated that at first he was sympathetic to Precision Tree's request <br />because of the governmental action involved in the acquisition of their <br />property on Country Drive. However, in reviewing the 1992 CUP request <br />for the Country Drive site, it is clear that the outdoor storage was limited <br />to 50 feet by 80 feet and that the current request goes beyond that amount. <br />Fahey indicated that he would support the request if the outdoor storage <br />area meets the limitations established under the I -P District. <br />It was noted that the building proposed by Precision Tree would meet the <br />building materials standards established by the I -P District. <br />Fahey noted that the City would have no assurance that phase two would <br />be completed. He pointed out that Precision Tree located on Country <br />Page 32 <br />