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MINUTES <br />CITY COUNCIL <br />MAY 9, 2000 <br />The City Administrator indicated that City staff's position is the five -foot <br />easement offered by the Klidzejs at the last Council meeting along their <br />property line was unnecessary. He noted that widening the existing <br />sanitary sewer easement on the Mitchell property from 15 feet to 20 only <br />brings that easement a foot or two closer to the new home under <br />construction on this property. Therefore, placing the additional easement <br />on the Klidzejs property does not give the new home the ability to have a <br />wrap - around deck without encroaching into the easement area. <br />Fahey acknowledged the letter received from Leopold Klidzejs relative to <br />the easement that he was required to grant when his property was <br />subdivided. Fahey noted that the City is not giving any property to the <br />developer of 3240 Twin Lake Road. Scalze agreed, and noted that the <br />easement will remain as a public right -of -way easement. <br />Morelan asked if the additional triangular easement adjacent to the cul -de- <br />sac would allow for the future subdivision of Tract A into two lots. The <br />City Administrator replied that that was correct. <br />Mr. Morelan introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2000 -5 -116 — APPROVING THE SUBDIVISION <br />OF 3240 TWIN LAKE ROAD INTO THREE SINGLE - FAMILY <br />PARCELS AS REQUESTED BY PREFERRED HOMES SUBJECT <br />TO COMPLIANCE WITH THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE <br />CITY PLANNER AND THE PLANNING COMMISSION <br />The foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Pedersen. <br />Ayes (4) Morelan, Pedersen, Scalze, Fahey. <br />Nays (0). Resolution declared adopted. <br />CUP & Fahey noted that the public hearing on the CUP and Variance <br />VARIANCE — requested by Precision Tree was closed at the last Council meeting. <br />SO. OWASSO <br />BLVD. — Scalze noted Precision Tree's Country Drive site plan that was <br />PRECISION approved in 1992 which designates an outdoor storage area of 50 <br />TREE feet by 80 feet. She further noted that some of this area also included <br />employee parking. Scalze indicated that at the last Council meeting, <br />Precision Tree indicated that they were requesting outdoor storage on the <br />South Owasso site of the same size as they have on Country Drive. That <br />size was estimated at approximately one half acre. The 1992 site plan <br />shows that outdoor storage is to be contained to 50 feet by 80 feet. <br />Page 31 <br />