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07-25-2001 Council Agenda
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07-25-2001 Council Agenda
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buildings would comply with the City's general building materials requirements for new <br />industrial and commercial buildings. <br />Summary and Recommendation <br />The proposed plans for the Frattalone Excavating project appear to comply generally with <br />the concept plans discussed last fall. There are a number of important details to work out, <br />including utilities and grading plans which are not part of this package. With regard to the <br />plans that have been reviewed, planning staff offers the following comments: <br />1. All parking and bituminous driveway areas should be curbed, in accordance with <br />the City's ordinance requirements. <br />2. The plans should be revised to designate at least 57 "proof -of- parking" spaces, <br />rather than the 28 now shown. <br />3. The City Engineer should comment on grading and curbing improvements along the <br />pond, especially where future parking areas may drain directly to the pond. <br />4. The applicant should provide parking lot designs and other planned improvements <br />for the Rice Street site to avoid problems with circulation. <br />5. A paved driveway should be provided between sites, connecting the Spruce Street <br />and Rice Street parking areas and driveways to avoid dust problems, and manage <br />any drainage concerns adjacent to the pond. <br />6. The landscape plan should detail the fence construction. Staff recommends a <br />black - finish chain link, without slats. <br />7. The fence and landscape line should be moved on the Rice Street site to better <br />delineate the required setback area from the pond. The ordinance requires a 50 <br />foot setback, and a minimum 25 feet adjacent to the pond undisturbed from its <br />natural state. The applicant should also coordinate with the Ramsey - Washington <br />Metro Watershed District for any additional regulations. <br />Development Stage PUD approval typically includes engineer review of grading and <br />drainage plans, utility plans, and a comprehensive treatment of the site in question. While <br />it is possible to phase improvements over time, the Development Stage PUD is intended <br />to serve as a build -out development guide for the project. <br />The Rice Street site is not ready for this level of approval due to the minimal treatment on <br />the plans. As noted, staff would anticipate improved parking, and defined circulation and <br />activity areas. For the Spruce Street site, Development Stage PUD approval would need <br />to be granted contingent on engineer review and approval of the drainage and utilities, as <br />well as the comments noted above. If these plans have not yet been submitted or <br />PAGE 41 <br />
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