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MINUTES <br />PLANNING COMMISSION <br />JUNE 14, 2001 <br />PUD - <br />RICE STREET/ <br />LITTLE <br />CANADA,ROAD — <br />FRATTALONE <br />There was no one present from the general public wishing to comment on <br />this matter. <br />Mr. Barraclough recommended approval of a Variance allowing fence <br />height of six feet, a Variance allowing construction of an opaque fence, <br />and a Variance allowing fence location to line up with fence for the coffee <br />shop provided that it is verified that this location is not within the public <br />right -of -way for the Montgomery property located at 90 Rosewood Drive <br />based on the fact that a hardship exists in that the street has become a <br />significant parking area for the coffee shop and there is the need to screen <br />parking lots from adjacent residential uses, and the City acknowledges the <br />need to create a buffer between the coffee shop use and the adjacent <br />residential property. <br />Motion seconded by Knudsen. <br />Motion carried 7 — 0. <br />Frank Frattalone appeared before the Commission requesting a Planned <br />Unit Development Permit allowing construction of an industrial /office <br />complex in the Rice Street /Spruce Street area for Frattalone Excavating. <br />The City Planner indicated that earlier this year the City Council granted <br />concept approval for the PUD Permit for Frattalone Excavating's <br />industrial /office complex as proposed. <br />The Planner pointed out that there are actually two sites to consider. One <br />being the Rice Street site where the cabinet shop is located and Frattalone <br />is proposing to locate a couple of his businesses. The other is the Spruce <br />Street shop that is the location proposed for the industrial /office complex <br />or the Frattalone Excavating site. <br />The Planner noted that the employee parking proposed is less than what <br />the ordinance requires. Frattalone has requested approval for the parking <br />as proposed with a proof -of- parking that shows that he has the ability to <br />add parking in the future if the need warrants it. The Planner indicated <br />that the proof -of- parking scenario is acceptable to him. <br />The Planner suggested that for the Rice Street site, Frattalone should <br />submit plans showing the potential long -term use of this property. He <br />recommended that review of this site remain at the concept level at this <br />time. The Planner felt that the PUD Permit for the Spruce Street site was <br />reasonable subject to a satisfactory review by the City Engineer. The <br />Planner also noted that the City Engineer is waiting for drainage, grading, <br />and utility plans for this development proposal. Review of these plans <br />4 <br />PAGE 56 <br />