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MINUTES <br />PLANNING COMMISSION <br />JUNE 14, 2001 <br />will need to be coordinated with the Ramsey /Washington Watershed <br />District given the ponding that is proposed on the site. <br />The Planner also indicated that the landscape plan proposed does a good <br />job of screening and meets expectations. <br />Knudsen asked for a review of the history of the concept approval. The <br />Planner indicated that the Planning Commission granted concept approval <br />in the fall of 2000. At that time the Commission indicated that the use as <br />proposed was appropriate for the area. The City Council reviewed the <br />concept in January and supported the concept on a 4 to 1 vote. At that <br />time the idea was to incorporate the Rice Street parcel into the project. <br />The Planner noted that there is some proposed use of the Rice Street site <br />as an access by the Spruce Street site. Barraclough recalled discussion <br />that the Spruce Street site would access Rice Street in this location and <br />that truck traffic would be limited to right -turn only onto Rice Street. <br />Frattalone indicated that he was asked to provide screening on Rice Street <br />from the office buildings and pond to the north. He noted that he has no <br />immediate plans for the Rice Street site other than to add screening and <br />fencing. Frattalone agreed that he intends to use the Rice Street site as an <br />access point to Rice Street and indicated that he was agreeable to a right - <br />turn only for truck traffic. However, he indicated that he would like to be <br />able to turn left with small trucks and vehicles. <br />Frattalone again stated that he has no immediate plans for the Rice Street <br />site and noted that the existing buildings would be used as a small repair <br />shop and for storage. Eventually office space may be added. Frattalone <br />indicated that he was agreeable to paving the south end of this property in <br />order to control dust, but indicated that he did not want this paving to <br />extend into the Spruce Street site given the need for a grayel yard for track <br />equipment. Some trees will be removed from the Rice Street site to <br />provide an access through to Rice Street from the Spruce Street site. <br />Frattalone pointed out that in reviewing the concept plan in January, the <br />main issue was the outdoor storage. The original plan called for 20,000 <br />square foot shop building with a 3,000 square foot mezzanine. Frattalone <br />reported that he has increased the size of the building to 29,000 square feet <br />with a 5,000 square foot mezzanine. <br />Frattalone indicated that he currently has a Watershed permit for the <br />original grading plan for the site and he did not anticipate that he would <br />need a new permit. The new grading plan is being completed and will be <br />submitted to the Watershed and the City for review and approval. He also <br />pointed out that an overflow pipe will be installed to run water from <br />Blacktern Pond into the storm sewer in the street. <br />PAGE 57 <br />