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MINUTES <br />CITY COUNCIL <br />.TUNE 27, 2001 <br />The City Planner pointed out that the Engineer indicates that there could be run <br />off directly into Blacktern Pond and one solution may be to berm along the <br />pond to prevent this run off from getting into the pond. <br />Fahey suggested that the Council identify the open issues at this point. He <br />suggested that the first would be run-off into Blacictem Pond and the possible <br />need for a cleansing pond, and second would be the issue of access to Rice <br />Street. <br />Scalze suggested that the Council needed a report from the Watershed on the <br />development proposal as well as a recommendation from the Parks and <br />Recreation Commission on the trail issue. <br />Fahey agreed that the City needed documentation from the Watershed on the <br />issue of the pond and any improvements that might be recommended relative <br />to water quality and impact on Blacktern Pond. There was also a need to <br />address the issue of access between sites. Fahey indicated that he would be <br />fine with construction starting on the buildings. The unresolved issues as <br />Fahey saw them are: <br />*Rice Street access; <br />*Watershed recommendations with regard to run -off and water quality; <br />*Parks & Recreation Commission recommendation on path; <br />*If a path is recommended, dedication of easement for a public path; <br />*Recommendations of the City Planner and City Engineer. <br />Anderson asked about paved access connecting the Rice Street and Spruce <br />Street parcels. Frattalone reported that he would pave the access with milled <br />bituminous. This material works well for the heavy equipment that would be <br />driving across this area. <br />Scalze asked if the Rice Street site was properly zoned to accommodate <br />outdoor storage. Frattalone pointed out that he would be parking equipment on <br />the Rice Street site and there would be no materials storage. <br />Montour asked Frattalone's plans for the Rice Street site. Frattalone replied <br />that Pioneer Cabinet would like to operate from the site for a couple of years. <br />After that, he would likely move his paving company into this building. <br />Frattalone indicated that the cement company would go away and that building <br />would come down. <br />The City Administrator reported that the Rice Street parcel is zoned General <br />Business (B -3) and is surrounded by PUD zoned property on the north and the <br />south. <br />7 <br />PAGE 63 <br />