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07-25-2001 Council Agenda
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07-25-2001 Council Agenda
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1VI1NU 1'.ES <br />CITY COUNCIL <br />.TUNE 27, 2001 <br />Scalze again pointed out that paved parking was required of the Ryan <br />Industrial Park property owners, and she felt from an equity standpoint it <br />should be required here. <br />Frattalone pointed out that the issue comes down to an additional 18 parking <br />spaces, and he indicated that he would be willing to pave these spaces. <br />Scalze asked if Frattalone would be willing to pay for the installation of a <br />stoplight on Rice Street if the amount of traffic generated from his site <br />warranted a stoplight. <br />Frattalone estimated the cost ofa stop light at between $175,000 and $200,000. <br />He indicated that he would not be willing to pay for a stoplight, and if it got to <br />that point, he would stop using the Rice Street access. However, Frattalone did <br />not believe the traffic volume would ever warrant a stoplight. Frattalone <br />reported that he estimates that 30% of the traffic from his business would <br />utilize Rice Street. He also pointed out that a gate would be installed at that <br />access point and the gate would be locked each evening. <br />Scalze asked about problems with outside storage adjacent to the railroad right - <br />of -way. The City Planner indicated that a setback of either 5 or 10 feet from <br />the property tine is required for outdoor storage. Scalze asked if there should <br />be a fence along the railroad right -of -way. Frattalone indicated that he would <br />be fencing his outdoor storage yard. He also indicated that he planned on <br />contacting the railroad about the purchase of an additional 25 feet of property. <br />Anderson asked about paving the Rice Street access. The Planner noted the <br />City Engineer's report recommends paving the access area between the Rice <br />Street and Spruce Street sites. Frattalone reported that he would pave that <br />access point with milled blacktop. <br />Scalze asked if curb and gutter would be installed along the edges of the <br />parking areas. Frattalone replied that he would not be installing curb and <br />gutter. Scalze expressed concern about additional runoff into Black-tern Pond. <br />Frattalone reported that he has no plans to grade the Rice Street site, therefore, <br />he does not need a grading plan and his current permit with the Watershed is <br />sufficient. <br />Fahey pointed out that the Frattalone use of the site will intensify its current <br />use and suggested that the City may want to impose additional requirements <br />with regard to run -off into the pond, i.e. requirement ofa cleansing pond. <br />Fahey suggested that at this point the City could approve construction of the <br />building and withhold final approval of the grading plan until run -off issues are <br />addressed. <br />6 <br />PAGE 62 <br />
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