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MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING <br />PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION <br />LITTLE CANADA, MINNESOTA <br />June 28, 2001 <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Parks & Recreation <br />Commission of the City of Little Canada, Minnesota was held on the 28`h day of June, 2001 <br />in the Council Chambers of the City Center located at 515 Little Canada Road East in said <br />City. <br />Chair Ginger Sackett Glaser called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and the following <br />members of the Commission were present: <br />MEMBERS PRESENT: <br />Ms. Ginger Sackett Glaser, Chair <br />Mr. James Broten <br />Mr. David Gray <br />Ms. Carla Horwath <br />Mr. Craig Larson <br />Mr. Robert Schabacker <br />Mr. Kevin Steinert (arrived at 7:45 p.m.) <br />ALSO PRESENT: Mr. Jim Morelan, Parks & Recreation Director <br />Ms. Kris Pechman, Recording Secretary <br />MINUTES Schabacker stated that he never received a copy of the June 7 minutes. The Director gave <br />him a copy. <br />Horwath recommended that the minutes from the meeting dated June 7, 2001 be approved <br />as submitted. <br />Motion seconded by Gray. <br />Motion carried 5 — 0. ( Schabacker abstained.) <br />FRATTALONE Frank Frattalone of Frattalone Excavating & Grading, Inc. was present to discuss the <br />PROPERTY relocation of his business to the property south of Blacktum pond. He stated that as part of <br />his relocation, he has acquired property from the Saint Paul Water Department as well as the <br />property where Pioneer Cabinets is now located. The Director stated that trail easements <br />have already been obtained from the Saint Paul Water Department on the parcel Frattalone <br />purchased from them and on the parcel where the Blackturrt Office Park is located. Those <br />easements were 15 -foot easements within the 30 -foot setback from the pond. Frattalone <br />indicated that his plans are to continue the existing trail through the Pioneer Cabinets parcel. <br />He stated that he would dedicate a 15 -foot easement for the trail to be installed within the 30- <br />foot setback. He indicated that his employees will enjoy using the trail. <br />Page 1 of4 <br />PAGE 66 <br />