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MINUTES <br />Parks & Recreation Commission <br />June 28, 2001 <br />Gray recommended that a 15 foot trail easement within the 30 foot pond setback be <br />approved for the Frattalone property where Pioneer Cabinets is now located. <br />Motion seconded by Horvath. <br />Motion carried 7— 0. <br />CONCERTS Horwath stated that the Splatter Sisters have confirmed that they will perform on July 25. <br />The Director asked for a breakdown of costs for each group. Sackett Glaser stated that she <br />would fax that information to him. Horwath stated that the groups will be sending her their <br />contracts. <br />The Director handed out copies of flyers for the Commission members to distribute to local <br />businesses. <br />Steinert stated that he contacted Hejny Rental for prices on temporary signs. He stated that <br />they charge 360/2 weeks or $100 /month + tax for each sign rented. <br />Horwath recommended approval of renting two signs from Hejny Rental for a one -month <br />period at a cost of 5100 /month + tax for each sign rented. <br />Motion seconded by Gray. <br />Motion carried 7— 0. <br />Steinert stated that he will reserve the signs for July 5- August 5 and that he could pick them <br />up if he could get the type with wheels. The Director stated that Steinert can obtain a check <br />from the City prior to picking them up. Steinert indicated that he will pick up the signs on <br />Tuesday, July 3. The Commission decided that the signs should be placed on the tire station <br />property and on the City property at the corner of Rice Street /Little Canada Road. The <br />Director will obtain the appropriate permits. <br />The Director stated that he will fax an ad to the Review for publication. He will also make <br />sure the concerts are placed on cable. He stated that he sent letters requesting funding to four <br />charities. Three of the four made donations totaling 31,200. <br />TRAILS The Director reported on the following trail projects: <br />• Payne Avenue — The grant is due in July. Paperwork has not yet been received. Sanders <br />has been trying to contact Maplewood regarding connection to their trail system. He has <br />been unsuccessful contacting the correct person, but will continue to pursue this matter. <br />• Little Canada Road, Lakeshore Avenue, & Jackson Street — The sidewalks have been <br />paved. <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />PAGE 67 <br />