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03-22-2000 Council Agenda
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03-22-2000 Council Agenda
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:2/27/1993 14:57 651.553ci33 <br />:.GC „ <br />RECEIVED Oa 2 7 1999 <br />Northeast Residence first opened its doors in 1973. It was one of the first smaller "group - homes" <br />in the area. In 1984 the first and only respite -care home of its kind in the entire nation opened. <br />This home has served over 350 families from more than 45 different communities. <br />The respite -care program gives families an opportunity to have a break from the day to day care <br />that their children with developmental disabilities require. Individuals come for 2 -5 or 6 days at <br />a time allowing their parents and siblings to do things that are sometimes impossible to do when <br />the person with disabilities is at home. <br />While at Northeast Residence Respite Care Program, individuals are given the opportunities to <br />interact with peers and to be introduced to "group home" living experiences. <br />Many of the individuals we have served have been coming to "RESPITE" since the program . <br />opened. It is now time for them, as young adults, to move from their family homes and to begin <br />a new found independence that has been one of the main focal points of the respite care program. <br />It is therefor not only fitting, but also appropriate that Northeast Residence becomes the long- <br />term care provider. We know the residents, the families know and trust our ability to provide <br />quality care, and we look forward to a long and meaningful relationship. <br />In September 1994, we began our first expansion program to meet the long -term needs of the <br />families we have been serving. (We opened two homes in Ramsey County). <br />As a small non -profit organization that is only beginning to expand, we do not have the resources <br />to meet many of the capital expenses incurred. Yet, this expansion is absolutely crucial if we are <br />to survive as funding cuts continue to be of concern. <br />In December of 1995, Northeast Residence opened its first home in Washington County. It is <br />located at 7018 43rd St. North in Oakdale. <br />The 1994 attorney general report shows that Northeast Residence spent 93.4% OF ALL <br />REVENUES ON PROGRAM RELATED PURPOSES. ONLY 6.2% OF TOTAL REVENUES <br />WERE SPENT ON ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES. <br />Page 35 <br />
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