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NFAC <br />MEMORANDUM <br />NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS <br />COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCH <br />RECE VED MAR - 3 am <br />TO: Little Canada Planning Commission <br />FROM: Stephen Grittman <br />DATE: March 7, 2000 <br />RE: Little Canada - Northeast Residence Inc., CUPNariance <br />FILE NO: 758.09 - 00.02 <br />Northeast Residence, Inc. is proposing a respite facility in the R -B Zoning District, between <br />the St. John's Credit Union and the Water Works property on Little Canada Road. This <br />item was tabled in February due to a number of engineering issues. Staff has met to <br />discuss the issues, and most of them appear to be resolved, according to the City <br />Engineer's letter of March 3. The issue of easements will require additional investigation <br />to ensure appropriate driveway and utility access. <br />From a site plan standpoint, the applicant proposes the same plan, with drainage issues <br />addressed as discussed by the City Engineer. The remaining issue on this item would be <br />the submission of a landscape plan. Because of the high utilization of the site, <br />landscaping and green area is being minimized. The side yard along the Water Works <br />property is particularly narrow, and would benefit from a well- designed landscape plan, <br />avoiding narrow strips of sod which typically do not do well in such constrained areas. <br />One specific recommendation would be to create a shrub border along this boundary with <br />a rock mulch which would help to disperse the stormwater flow from the parking lot and <br />sidewalk areas. <br />The primary issue from a planning standpoint is the variance requested from the side yard <br />setback. As noted in the previous planning report, variances are reviewed as to the ability <br />to put the property to reasonable use under the standard setback regulations. The <br />proposed setback of nine feet violates the required standard of fifteen feet. To grant the <br />variance, the City should find that the shape and dimensions of this existing lot of record <br />make the setback provisions "unreasonable ". Planning staff believes that, although <br />perhaps expensive to do so, it would be possible to re- design the site in a way which could <br />accommodate this use within the prescribed setbacks. <br />5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 55.r+ <br />PHONE 612-595-9636 FA Page 36 <br />°-r OUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 55416 <br />E -MAIL NAC @ WINTERNET.COM <br />