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owarc R. Green Corrcany <br />CONSULTING ENGINEERS <br />January 6, 2000 <br />File: 809310J -0240 <br />Honorable Chairman and Planning Commission <br />City of Little Canada <br />515 Little Canada Road <br />Little Canada, MN 55117 <br />RE: NORTHEAST RESIDENT RESPITE HOME <br />Dear Planning Commission Members: <br />As requested, we have reviewed the site plans submitted for the Northeast Resident Respite <br />Home proposal at the corner of McMenemy Road and Little Canada Road. Based on our <br />review and discussions with Greg Schroeder, Public Works Director we would offer the following <br />comments: <br />1. The site plan submitted was at a relatively small scale. No topography of the site was <br />provided. Flow arrows indicate that all drainage from the site is intended to flow easterly <br />onto the St. Paul Water Works right -of -way. As with all developments in the City of Little <br />Canada, this site should also be required to provide a water quality and detention pond for <br />its drainage. The detention pond should be sized to restrict the discharge off of the site to <br />the existing condition flow. A permit will likely be needed from St. Paul Water Works for the <br />ultimate drainage onto their property. <br />2. No utility connections are shown on the site plan. It is assumed that the water connection <br />will be from the existing water main in Little Canada Road. If the building requires <br />sprinkling, the sprinkling service and the domestic consumption service must be separate. <br />An easement must be provided up to and including the curb stop of the domestic <br />consumption service. Sanitary sewer is likely to be provided out the southern end of the <br />building. It is unclear whether the building will require some type of lift station to get into the <br />City sewer system. A revised plan should be provided which details how utility servicesare <br />proposed to be provided. <br />3. It is not clear from the site plan how access to the development will be provided. It appears <br />that access will be from McMenemy Road across private property. Has an easement been <br />acquired for this access? <br />0: \PROJ \809310) \0240 \Itr 1-6 -00 planning comr <br />Page 46 <br />1326 Energy Park Drive • St. Paul. M .844 -9446 toll free 888/368 -4389 <br />