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MAYOR <br />Michael I. Fahey <br />COUNCIL <br />Beverly Scalze <br />Jim LaValle <br />Steve Morelan <br />Bob Pedersen <br />515 Little Canada Road, Little Canada, MN 55117-1600 ADMINISTRATOR <br />(651) 484 -2177 / FAX: (651) 484 -4538 Joel R. Hanson <br />Email: cityhall @ci.little- <br />MEMORANDUM <br />TO: Mayor Fahey and Members of the City Council <br />FROM: Kathy Glanzer, Deputy Clerk <br />DATE: March 15, 2000 <br />RE: Parking Lot — Little Canada Road and McMenemy Road <br />Ownership Issues <br />I have researched the ownership issues relative to the parking lot at the corner of Little <br />Canada Road and McMenemy Road and have found the following information: <br />*The northernmost triangular parcel is currently owned by St. John's Church. <br />In 1970 the Church deeded this parcel over to the City. However, <br />the deed was never recorded. That deed also included the legal <br />description for Tract A. The Church was attempting to deed Tract <br />A over to the City as well, however, Tract A was owned by Joseph <br />Collova. Therefore, the Church had no ability to deed Tract A to <br />the City. The deed was prepared by Memmer, Caswell & Parks. <br />There is a restriction on this unrecorded deed limiting the use of the <br />property to a public parking area. <br />*Tract A is owned by the City. <br />In May of 1982 Joseph Collova deeded Tract A over to the City. <br />Tract A contains an easement over the east 20 feet of the parcel <br />for ingress and egress for roadway purposes for the benefit of <br />Tract B. There are no other easements or deed restrictions noted <br />on the Certificate of Title. <br />*Tract B is owned by Northeast Residence. <br />Page 49 <br />