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03-22-2000 Council Agenda
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03-22-2000 Council Agenda
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IVIINU1ES <br />PLANNING COMMISSION <br />JANUARY 13, 2000 <br />The Planner pointed out that the issue has come up that the credit <br />union building has a significantly smaller setback than the 15 feet <br />required by the ordinance. The credit union building is a legal <br />non - conforming structure. If the credit union site were <br />redeveloped, required setbacks would have to be met. <br />Corrine Schmidt reported that Northeast Residence has been <br />working on this project for about a year and a half and has received <br />approval for funding from the Federal Government to move <br />forward with the project. Schmidt reported that the space needs to <br />be occupied by the end of August as part of their funding <br />requirements. <br />Schmidt described the nature of the respite home, pointed out that <br />it will provide short-term respite care of 2 to 5 days. Schmidt <br />reported that the clients that will be served are families with <br />physically and mentally handicapped family members. The ages <br />of the clients range from 5 years up to 83 years of age. <br />Schmidt reported that the architects designed the home to fit the <br />property as well as meet ADA requirements. She indicated that if <br />they have to start over now and redesign the house, they could lose <br />their Federal funding. <br />Keis asked the maximum number of residents at the home. <br />Schmidt replied that the maximum number would be six. She <br />indicated that Northeast Residence serves 100 different families <br />per year. She also noted that mental retardation is the primary <br />diagnosis for the clients that they serve. <br />Keis asked if there were any issues to consider given the location <br />of the school across the street Schmidt replied that there were not. <br />She noted that the people they serve are vulnerable people who are <br />not violent. <br />George Rossez pointed out the nature of the lot and the difficulties <br />in designing a layout that would work on this property. He also <br />pointed out that in designing the layout he has tried to get some <br />separation between the house and the credit union building. This <br />has forced the building closer to the Water Works property. <br />Rossez reported that the house has been designed over the last year <br />to accommodate the needs of the people Northeast Residence <br />serves, and they would like to stay with this design. <br />Page 53 <br />
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