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03-22-2000 Council Agenda
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03-22-2000 Council Agenda
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MINUTES <br />PLANNING COP/ MISSION <br />JANUARY 13, 2000 <br />Keis asked if the City had been contacted relative to the setback <br />issue. Rossez replied that they assumed a 10 -foot setback in <br />designing the house. Rossez indicated that they would work with <br />the City Engineer to get the ponding issue resolved. <br />Schmidt asked that the Commission not table the issue at this <br />point, but move it on to the City Council. Between now and the <br />Council meeting, they would work with the City Engineer on the <br />drainage issue. <br />Montour suggested that without full information from the City <br />Engineer on the ponding issue, he felt it was difficult for the <br />Commission to adequately review the proposal at this point. <br />Keis indicated that there are two issues before the Commission <br />relative to this application. The first is the drainage issue and the <br />second is the variance request. Keis suggested that the <br />Commission give the applicant an indication of its feeling on the <br />variance request at this point. Keis commented that it is difficult to <br />visualize the size of the house and how it will look on the lot from <br />just the diagrams submitted. Rossez indicated that the house will <br />be a walkout and consist of 3,400 square feet on one level. <br />Montour asked if there will be traffic to the front of the building. <br />Rossez replied that there will be. Traffic to the front of the <br />building will use that parking lot for dropping off clients. The <br />parking lot proposed at the back of the building will be used by <br />office personnel. <br />Schmidt reported that there will be 24 -hour staffing at the home. <br />The home will maintain a 1 to 2 staff/client ratio. There are no <br />staff members; however, who are permanent residents of the home. <br />Schmidt anticipated 3 to 4 vehicles in the lower parking lot for <br />office staff. <br />Knudsen pointed out that a variance cannot be allowed on the basis <br />of a financial hardship. Rossez pointed out that the home has been <br />in the design phase for about 1-1/2 years. Not being able to have a <br />home the size and layout proposed, would be a hardship. Schmidt <br />felt that the house fit the character of the neighborhood. <br />Keis pointed out that approving a variance sets a precedent for the <br />future. Rossez did not believe there would be any other homes like <br />this one proposed in Little Canada. <br />Page 54 <br />
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