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MINUTES <br />PLANNING COMMISSION <br />JANUARY 13, 2000 <br />REZONING & <br />CUP AMEND- <br />MENT — <br />120 WEST <br />COUNTY RD. C — <br />TOM TUBBESE TG <br />Carson indicated that he supported the variance. <br />Keis replied that he did not support the variance; therefore, four <br />Commissioners were in support and two were not. <br />Keis recommended tabling action on the Conditional Use Permit to <br />allow a group home facility providing short-term respite care as <br />well as a Variance from the setback requirements as proposed by <br />Northeast Residence until the February Planning Commission <br />meeting in order to give the applicant time to work with the City <br />Engineer on the issue of storm water retention and given the <br />impact that this issue could have on site layout. <br />Motion seconded by Barraclough. <br />Motion carried 6 — 0. <br />Tom Tubbesing, Tom's Auto at 120 West County Road C, <br />appeared before the Commission requesting approval of a rezoning <br />of his property from B -3 to B-4 as well as an amendment to his <br />Conditional Use Permit allowing an increase in the size of his <br />existing vehicle sales lot. Tubbesing reported that the only issue <br />he had with the City Planner's recommendation is the requirement <br />of a 5 -foot green area around the perimeter of the property. <br />Tubbesing reported that on the south side of the property abutting <br />County Road C, he would prefer to plant hardy shrubbery and <br />wood chips that would withstand the salt and sand that gets thrown <br />up on the boulevard as a result of snowplowing Tubbesing <br />suggested that the grass recommended by the City Planner would <br />not survive in this area. <br />The City Planner suggested that the Public Works Director would <br />have to review the plantings proposed by Tubbesing to ensure that <br />they do not cause a problem for snowplows. The Planner <br />indicated, however, that the plan submitted by Tubbesing is an <br />attractive one. <br />Tubbesing questioned the installation of a 5 -foot green area on the <br />west end of the property, pointing out that it would abut the <br />concrete curb and blacktop area that Gas -N -Go has. He also noted <br />that the Gas -N -Go site is approximately 2 '/ feet higher than his <br />property. On the east side of the property there is an alley, and <br />Tubbesing stated that he could install the grassy area abutting the <br />alleyway. <br />Page 56 <br />