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MINUTES <br />PLANNING COMMISSION <br />MARCH 9, 2000 <br />Mr. Barraclough moved that the Park Place development proposal is in <br />compliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan for the property in <br />question. <br />Motion seconded by Montour. <br />Motion carried 6 - 0. <br />CUP & Mr. George Rossez appeared before the Commission requesting approval <br />VARIANCE - of a Conditional Use Permit to allow a group home facility providing <br />NORTHEAST short-term respite care as well as a Variance from the setback requirement <br />RESPITE for property at the intersection of Little Canada Road and McMenemy <br />HOME Road. <br />iSISIONSW <br />Keis noted that the setback variance decreases the amount of landscaping <br />that can occur along the side lot line. Keis stated that he would like to <br />avoid the variance and asked if there was a way to decrease the size of the <br />building. <br />Rossez stated that there was not, and pointed out that they are trying to <br />place the respite home as far from the credit union building as possible. <br />The credit union has only about a 1 1/2 foot setback from the property <br />line. There is an apartment unit in the lower level and the additional space <br />would address privacy issues for this apartment unit. Rossez pointed out <br />that only a corner of the respite home building extends into the setback. <br />He also noted that the property abuts against the Water Works property <br />that will remain undeveloped. <br />The City Planner reported that since the January meeting when this <br />proposal was first discussed, the applicants have met with the City <br />Engineer and the Public Works Director to discuss storm water issues. <br />Issues about access to the site have also been discussed. Access will be <br />provided to the back of the site via easements over the adjacent two <br />properties. Access to the front of the site will occur via the City parking <br />lot at the front of the building. The engineer for the respite home will be <br />working on the appropriate easements to provide legal access to the <br />property. The Planner indicated that it has been determined that the site <br />can function from an engineering standpoint without the ponding that was <br />suggested initially. <br />Knudsen pointed out that the variance is the only significant outstanding <br />issue at this point. Montour asked what percentage of the total building <br />extends into the required setback. It was determined that less than 5% of <br />the building extended into the setback. <br />Page 57 <br />