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N <br />NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS <br />COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCH <br />RECEIVED MAR - 3 2830 <br />MEMORANDUM <br />TO: Little Canada Planning Commission <br />FROM: Stephen Grittman <br />DATE: March 7, 2000 <br />RE: Little Canada - RJ Marco /Goodyear <br />FILE NO: 758.09 - 00.04 <br />RJ Marco has submitted amended architectural drawings for the Goodyear development, <br />as well as a general sign plan and a request for final plat approval. Comments from the <br />City Council encouraged the developer to re- design the facade of the building to create <br />a more staggered front facade and roof line, as well as to create a more prominent <br />entrance at the Goodyear corner. <br />The applicants have submitted the attached plan illustrating a similar basic floor plan and <br />door layout, but with changes to the building front which make it appear to be a series of <br />connected, but distinct, buildings. An "arcade" corner piece was added at the Goodyear <br />entrance which is the most prominent portion of the building. It includes a cornice <br />treatment at the top. Materials for the building are proposed to be brick and rock -faced <br />block along the west (Rice Street) exposure. A brick portion would also wrap around the <br />north side of the building, and the entrance prominence would be brick along the south <br />exposure. The remainder of the building would be rock -faced concrete block. The <br />building plan includes a single painted block line around the entire structure. <br />The sign plan appears to meet the ordinance requirements for multiple tenant commercial <br />buildings. The plans indicate a maximum sign area of 555 square feet, of which Goodyear <br />will use 126 square feet. 108 square feet are allotted for the other three tenants. This <br />would be less than half of the maximum allowable sign area. <br />Finally, the City Engineer should review the final plat to ensure that it meets the <br />requirements of the preliminary plat approval. Of particular note would be easement <br />locations for utilities and stormwater drainage. <br />5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SJ 11TR 555 ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 5541 6 <br />PHONE 61 2- 595 -9636 FAX E <br />Page 60 v1AIL NAC @ WINTERNET. COM <br />