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NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS <br />COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCH <br />PLANNING REPORT <br />TO: Little Canada Planning Commission <br />FROM: Daniel Licht / Stephen Grittman <br />DATE: 11 January 2000 <br />RE: Little Canada - Goodyear <br />FILE NO.: 758.09 - 00.03 <br />BACKGROUND <br />R.J. Marco Construction has submitted plans to construct a 14,984 sq. ft. multiple tenant <br />retail /minor auto repair building on several parcels located on Rice Street south of County <br />Road C. The subject site includes parcels previously developed with a car wash, single <br />family home and other parcels. The applicant's proposal requires consideration of a <br />rezoning to B-4 District, CUP to allow minor auto repair, variance from rear yard setback <br />requirements and subdivision to combine the underlying parcels. In addition, the proposed <br />building is also subject to architectural review due to it location adjacent to Rice Street. <br />ANALYSIS <br />A zoning amendment to rezone the property from B -3 to B-4 is necessary to accommodate <br />the proposed minor auto repair and retail uses. The City recently amended the Zoning <br />Ordinance to create the B-4 District to accommodate a mixture of retail and auto uses so <br />as to encourage continued redevelopment along Rice Street. The requested rezoning is <br />consistent with this purpose, as well as the guidance of the Comprehensive Plan for <br />commercial uses along Rice Street. <br />Within the B-4 District, minor auto - repair uses requires approval of a conditional use <br />permit. The basis for the CUP requirement is to ensure that the use is compatible with <br />existing or planned uses within the District. The principal concems in this regard are <br />noise and outdoor storage. The service bays are completely enclosed. To ensure that <br />there are no noise impacts, a requirement of the CUP may be that the service doors <br />remain closed at all times except when moving vehicles in and out of the service area. <br />Further, the CUP should specify that no repair may occur outside of the principal building. <br />5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD. SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK. MINNESOTA 5541 6 <br />PHONE 6 1 2- 595.9636 FAX <br />61 <br />Page 63 <br />'RAIL NAC i@ WINTERNET.COM <br />