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03-22-2000 Council Agenda
City Council Packets
03-22-2000 Council Agenda
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In terms of outdoor storage, the site plan indicates a large trash area. Plans submitted for <br />the enclosure indicate that it will be constructed out of materials consistent with the <br />principal building's appearance and completely screen trash containers and refuse from <br />view. The site plan provides for a surplus of 14 parking stalls above Ordinance <br />requirements, it is assumed that these extra stalls will be for patron vehicle parking. <br />Beyond these designated are, no outdoor storage will be permitted. <br />The submitted site plan conforms with applicable lot area and width requirements of the <br />B-4 Districts. The proposed building is also consistent with required setbacks, except for <br />the distance between the rear of the retail portion of the building and the west edge of Lot <br />2. This situation does present a unique hardship related to the shallow depth of the <br />existing lot of record on this portion of the site. As such, a variance is appropriate to allow <br />a rear yard setback of approximately 11 feet. Other site plan issues: <br />• The site plan provides 80 off - street parking stalls of require dimensions, a surplus <br />of 14 stalls above Ordinance requirements. Two disability stalls have been <br />provided, but ADA Standards require that four be provided. The site plan indicates <br />that concrete curb is provided; the detail plan sheet should be revised to include a <br />plate for the curb which is required to be six inches tall. <br />• The site plan does not indicate exterior lighting. A lighting plan should be provided <br />that demonstrates the location and intensity of all site lighting, which must be so <br />directed as to not impact the public right -of -way or adjacent property. <br />• A landscape plan has been submitted that provides a mix of trees throughout the <br />site. Patmore ash trees have been provided along Rice Street as boulevard trees <br />as encouraged by the Design Guidelines. This tree line wraps around the north <br />and south edges of the parking lot to the rear building line with Greenspire Linden <br />and Autumn Blaze Maple Trees. A broader mix of trees is continued along the <br />remainder of the south and rear property line. Areas not surfaced with parking or <br />buildings are to be sodded or grassed. Overall, the landscape plan is appropriate. <br />Portions of the parking lot encroach into a wetland buffer setback surrounding the <br />pond on the south part of the property. This issue is subject to review and approval <br />of the Watershed District. <br />Grading, drainage and utility plans have been submitted and are subject to review <br />and approval of the City Engineer. <br />The proposed building is a one -story, flat roof structure. The roof has varying heights and <br />is tallest at the south end of the west elevation highlighting the principal auto repair tenant. <br />The materials applied to the facade of the building include utility brick, scored CMU, <br />painted rock -face concrete block and prefinished metal fleshings as cornices. The utility <br />2 <br />Page 64 <br />
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