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12-15-1999 Council Agenda
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12-15-1999 Council Agenda
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MINUTES <br />PLANNING COMMISSION <br />NOVEMBER 18, 1999 <br />Costanza reported that the building is actually a storage shed. <br />Costanza indicated that he plans to enclose this shed and make it a <br />more permanent type building. The shed is 80 feet by 25 feet in <br />size. Costanzo indicated that he purchased the property in 1992 <br />and had planned to operate a body shop from it. However, after he <br />purchased the property he found out it was zoned PUD> <br />Costanzo indicated that he will have the building paid for in 2002 <br />and requested that he be given an extension on the paving <br />requirements until that time. Costanzo reported that two years ago <br />he gave Frank Frattalone an easement across his property for <br />sewer. This easement gave him the right to connect to sewer in the <br />future. Costanza indicated that once his building is paid for, he <br />would be connecting to utilities. Therefore, he would like to delay <br />paving until he connects. If he paves now, the paving would have <br />to be dug up at the time he makes the utility connections. <br />The zoning Administrator indicated that three properties along <br />Ryan Drive are not connected to sewer. Sewer has been installed <br />on a portion of Ryan Drive from Country Drive. A sewer <br />connection for the Costanzo property would come from Ryan <br />Drive. The Zoning Administrator pointed out that other property <br />owners in Ryan Industrial Park have been required to pave, and <br />none have received extensions beyond June 30, 2000. <br />The Zoning Administrator pointed out that Mr. Costanzo is <br />proposing to blacktop the entire front of his property. She <br />indicated another option that would place required parking to the <br />side of the lot and minimize the amount ofblacktopping that would <br />be required. <br />Costanzo felt the entire property should be blacktopped. He also <br />pointed out that utilities run across the middle of his lot and <br />indicated that this is where he would have to connect to sewer as <br />well as water for the shed he will be converting. <br />Knudsen asked if the paving issue constituted a hardship that <br />would warrant an extension to the year 2002. <br />Duray suggested that perhaps a December 31, 2000 deadline for <br />blacktopping would be more appropriate. <br />Knudsen pointed out that Mr. Costanzo is agreeable to <br />blacktopping. The only issue is the timing. Knudsen asked why <br />Page 41 <br />
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