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MINUTES <br />PLANNING COMMISSION <br />NOVEMBER 18, 1999 <br />the utilities would have to be dug up causing blacictop to be <br />disturbed. <br />Costanzo indicated that when he finishes improving the shed, he <br />will be running water and sewer to both the buildings. Therefore, <br />he would like to wait with the blacktop until he runs the utilities. <br />Knudsen suggested that action on this CUP be tabled until there is <br />more information on the utility issue. Keis agreed, but pointed out <br />that the City has only granted extensions until June 30, 2000. Keis <br />also indicated that a financial hardship is not justification for a <br />variance. <br />The Zoning Administrator indicated that utility connections are not <br />required for an accessory building. Costanzo indicated that if he <br />enclosed the building, he will put in the utilities and make this <br />building a rental property. <br />Kraemer pointed out that this is Costanzo's choice, and suggested <br />that it may not be justification for delaying the blacktopping. <br />There was some confusion about whether or not sanitary sewer is <br />in Ryan Drive, or if sewer needed to be extended along Ryan <br />Drive. It was pointed out that Mr. Frattaione did improve a portion <br />of Ryan Drive with sanitary sewer. <br />Costanzo indicated that he will use the existing lines that run <br />through the middle of his property. <br />Keis indicated that this matter should be tabled until next month to <br />get additional information on the utility issue. <br />Barraclough indicated that one solution would be for Costanzo to <br />blacktop 24 required parking spots on the side of the property. <br />This would minimize the need to dig up blacktop at the time <br />Costanzo runs utilities into his property. <br />The Zoning Administrator pointed out the letter from the Public <br />Works Director on the utility issue, and indicated that she will <br />verify the matter further with the Director. <br />Knudsen noted that Costanzo has don a lot of work on the property <br />and he appreciated the effort. <br />Page 42 <br />