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MINUTES <br />PLANNING COMMISSION <br />DECEMBER 9, 1999 <br />the middle of his property. This line also serves the property at <br />221 -225 Ryan Drive. <br />The Director indicated that there is a three -inch sanitary sewer <br />force main along Country Drive which currently serves the <br />Frattalone property. The Director pointed out that at the time this <br />sewer project was under discussion, the property owners at 3151 <br />Country Drive, 221 -225 Ryan Drive, and 209 Ryan Drive attended <br />a neighborhood meeting at which they indicated they were not <br />interested in participating in this sewer project. The Director noted <br />from the feasibility study for the Frattalone sewer project, that <br />Option 2A was decided on as the preferable option. That option <br />provides for the future extension of sanitary sewer down Ryan <br />Drive to serve 3151 Country Drive, 221 -225 Ryan Drive, and 209 <br />Ryan Drive. <br />The Director further noted that when the Frattalone sewer project <br />was installed, the City obtained an easement for sewer along the <br />east ten feet of 3151 Country Drive. A copy of that easement is in <br />the agenda, and it was noted that the easement was signed by the <br />property owner, Pat Peterson. <br />Costanzo noted that there is also a gas main which runs through the <br />middle of his property. The Director indicated that gas is not a <br />utility provided by the City, therefore, the City has no control over <br />that line. <br />Costanzo again mentioned the water main running through his <br />property. The Director noted that this water line is the <br />responsibility of the property owner even though it serves the <br />adjacent building. It was also noted that there might be easements <br />granted to the adjacent property owner at 221 -225 Ryan Drive for <br />access to the water main which runs through 3151 Country Drive. <br />Gas line to 221 -225 Ryan Drive also runs through the Costanzo <br />property, and again, there may be an easement between the <br />property owners for this purpose. <br />Costanzo indicated that when he is ready to connect to sanitary <br />sewer, he would have to do so from Country Drive. This would <br />necessitate his digging through the length of his property. <br />The Public Works Director pointed out that the sanitary sewer on <br />Country Drive is a force main. A direct connection to a force main <br />is more difficult than a connection to a gravity main. The Director <br />also pointed out that the property owners can petition for sanitary <br />Page 60 <br />