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MINUTES <br />PLANNING COMMISSION <br />DECEMBER 9, 1999 <br />sewer improvement at any time. Once a petition is received, the <br />City would hold an improvement hearing, could order the <br />improvement, it would be installed, and the costs assessed against <br />the benefiting properties. <br />Costanzo pointed out that if sewer is installed on Ryan Drive, the <br />City will put in a water main line in the same location. Costanzo <br />indicated that then the water main through his property would be <br />dug up and any blacktopping which he has done would be <br />disturbed. The Public Works Director agreed that water main <br />would likely be put in on Ryan Drive. However, the water main <br />through the Costanzo property would be abandoned in place and <br />would not be dug up. <br />Costanzo indicated that he granted the City the easement for <br />sanitary sewer on the east 10 feet of his property. Costanzo <br />indicated that in return for that easement, he would not be assessed <br />for any sanitary sewer improvement on Ryan Drive. It was noted <br />that the easement document in the agendas is signed by Pat <br />Peterson. The Deputy Clerk noted that Mr. Peterson is the <br />titleholder of the property; therefore, easements would have to be <br />signed by him. Mr. Costanzo again indicated that he signed the <br />easement. <br />Keis pointed out that the issue before the Commission is that of <br />blacktopping of required parking. Mr. Costanzo has requested that <br />the blacktopping requirement be delayed until 2002 given the <br />possibility of utility improvements in the area. The Zoning <br />Administrator has recommended a 6/30/00 deadline for <br />blacktopping. <br />Knudsen asked if the timing of these improvements is <br />undetermined. The Public Works Director indicated that if the <br />property owners petition for the improvements, they could occur <br />next year some time. <br />The Zoning Administrator pointed out that the City is not asking <br />Mr. Costanzo to blacktop the entire front yard, but rather the 24 <br />required parking spaces. Mr. Costanzo has indicated that he would <br />prefer to blacktop the entire front of his property. The Zoning <br />Administrator pointed out that the 24 required parking spaces <br />could be configured in such a way so that they do not interfere <br />with future utility connections. The remainder of the site can be <br />left surfaced with Class V materials. <br />Page 61 <br />