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MINUTES <br />PLANNING COMMISSION <br />DECEMBER 9, 1999 <br />that no sanitary sewer improvement is pending in the foreseeable <br />future, and extending that deadline to February 29, 2000 should <br />Mr. Costanzo petition the City for sanitary sewer improvement, <br />and further subject to compliance with the remaining requirements <br />of the Zoning Administrator as outlined in her report dated <br />November 5, 1999. <br />Motion seconded by Duray. <br />Motion carried 6 — 1. Knudsen voted against. <br />FINAL PLAT Mr. Dick Kimmes appeared before the Commission requesting <br />& VARIANCE Final Plat approval for Gilanderi Addition. Kimmes noted that <br />GILANDERI the plat consists of four single- family lots. It was originally <br />ADDITION proposed with five Tots, but was reduced down to four. Kimmes <br />noted that filling is occurring on Lot 1 of the plat and ponding for <br />the project has been moved to the southwest corner of Lot 4. <br />Kimmes described the width of the existing street, and noted that <br />the plat will result in the widening of Gilanderi Lane adjacent to <br />Lots 3 and 4. He further noted that right -of -way is being dedicated <br />for a cul -de -sac at the end of Gilanderi Lane. This right -of -way is <br />being dedicated in the event that Highway 36 is widened and the <br />loop street through the neighborhood is eliminated. Kimmes <br />indicated that it appears unlikely, however, that the loop street will <br />be eliminated. However, should that happen, additional right -of- <br />way will be needed for the cul -de -sac from the property owner on <br />the east. It would be the Highway Department's responsibility to <br />obtain that right -of -way should it be needed. <br />Kimmes further reported that he is requesting a five -foot front yard <br />setback variance for Lot 4. He noted that the setback is from the <br />cul -de -sac right -of -way, and it is unlikely that the cul -de -sac will <br />ever be improved. He also pointed out that he is trying to save as <br />many trees in the area as possible since these trees provide a noise <br />barrier from Highway 36. <br />David Farley, property owner directly across the street from this <br />plat, reported that he had no concern with the variance. Mr. Farley <br />indicated that Mr. Kimmes has been required to drop the level of <br />the street at the south end. He requested that this be minimized <br />since the street level provides for some additional buffering. <br />Page 63 <br />