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MINUTES <br />PLANNING COMMISSION <br />DECEMBER 9, 1999 <br />Costanzo felt that any parking layouts other than the entire front <br />yard of his property would have parking too far from the building. <br />Costanzo indicated that the best solution would be to blacktop the <br />entire front yard area, and noted that he is willing to do it. <br />However, he would like until 2002 so that the utility issues can be <br />resolved. <br />The Public Works Director pointed out that utilities would go in <br />the right -of -way for Ryan Drive. Connections to Mr. Costanzo's <br />building would come in directly from Ryan Drive to the building. <br />Costanzo felt that if sewer was installed on Ryan Drive, water <br />main as well as gas main would be relocated at the same time. <br />Again, the Public Works Director pointed out that existing lines <br />would be abandoned in place and would not be dug up. <br />Kraemer pointed out that Mr. Costanzo has the option to petition <br />for the improvement at any time. <br />Costanzo indicated that NSP may not want to move their gas line, <br />and then he would have to blacktop over a line that may have to be <br />dug up in the future. Keis pointed out that gas service is provided <br />by NSP, not the City. Costanzo noted that he has a property with a <br />gas line in the middle of it, and now it is his problem. <br />Montour noted that when Mr. Costanzo purchased the property, he <br />assumed ownership of it with all its existing conditions. <br />Keis noted that the issue before the Commission is that of <br />blacktopping of required parking. <br />Costanzo requested that rather than continue to process the CUP, <br />he would like to run out the lease he has with his renter. This lease <br />runs through July. At that time the outdoor storage will be <br />removed, and he would no longer require the CUP and, as a result, <br />no longer be required to blacktop. <br />The Commission felt that they should act on the CUP request <br />before them this evening. <br />Mr. Keis recommended approval of the Conditional Use Permit for <br />open and outdoor storage of materials and equipment as an <br />accessory use at 3151 Country Drive as submitted by Mr. Costanzo <br />subject to compliance with the blacktopping requirement for the 24 <br />required parking spaces by June 30, 2000 should it be determined <br />Page 62 <br />