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11-12-1997 Council Agenda
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11-12-1997 Council Agenda
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plant protection, temporary restoration of public utility services and other functions <br />related to civil protection, together with all other activities necessary or incidental for <br />carrying out of the foregoing functions. Emergency management includes those <br />activities sometimes referred to as "Civil Defense" functions. <br />B. Disaster means a situation which creates an immediate and serious impairment to the <br />health and safety of any person, or a situation which has resulted in or is likely to result <br />in catastrophic loss to property, and for which traditional sources of relief and <br />assistance within the affected area are unable to repair or prevent the injury or loss. <br />C. Emergency means an unforeseen combination of circumstances which calls for <br />immediate action to prevent from developing or occurring. <br />D. Emergency management forces means the total personnel resources engaged in city- <br />level emergency management functions in accordance with the provisions of this <br />resolution or any rule or order thereunder. This includes personnel from City <br />departments, authorized volunteers, and private organizations and agencies. <br />E Emergency management organization means the staff element responsible for <br />coordinating city-level planning and preparation for disaster response. This <br />organization provides City liaison and coordination with federal, state and local <br />jurisdictions relative to disaster preparedness activities and assure implementation of <br />federal and state program requirements. <br />210.030. ESTABLISHMENT OF AN EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT <br />ORGANIZATION. There is hereby created with the City government an emergency <br />management organization which shall be under the supervision and control of the City <br />Emergency Management Director, hereinafter called the "Director." The Director shall be <br />appointed by the City Council for an indefinite term and may be removed by them at any time. <br />The Director shall serve at a salary determined by the City Council and shall be paid his/her <br />necessary expenses pursuant to City policy. The Director shall have direct responsibility for the <br />organization, administration and operation of the emergency preparedness organization, subject <br />to the direction and control of the City Council. <br />210.040. POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE DIRECTOR. <br />A. The Director, with the consent of the Council, shall represent the City at any regional or <br />state conference for emergency management. The Director shall develop proposed <br />mutual aid agreements with other political subdivisions of the state for reciprocal <br />emergency management aid and assistance in an emergency too great to be dealt with <br />unassisted, and shall present such agreements to the Council for its action. Such <br />arrangements shall be consistent with the State Emergency Plan <br />B. The Director shall make studies and surveys of the manpower, industries, resources and <br />facilities of the City as deemed necessary to determine their adequacy for emergency <br />Page 2 of 6 <br />Page 45 <br />
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