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11-12-1997 Council Agenda
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11-12-1997 Council Agenda
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management and to plan for their most efficient use of time in an emergency or <br />disaster. <br />C. The Director shall prepare a comprehensive emergency plan for the emergency <br />preparedness of the City and shall present such plan to the Council for its approval. <br />When the Council has approved the plan by resolution, it shall be the duty of all City <br />agencies and all emergency preparedness forces of the City to perform the duties and <br />functions assigned by the plan as approved. The plan may be modified in like manner <br />from time to time. The Director shall coordinate the emergency management activities <br />of the City to the end that they shall be consistent and fully integrated with the <br />emergency plan of the Federal Government and the State and correlated with <br />emergency plans of other political subdivisions within the State. <br />D. In accordance with the State and County Emergency Plan, the Director shall institute <br />such training programs, public information programs and conduct practice warning <br />alerts and emergency exercises as may be necessary to assure prompt and effective <br />operation of the City Emergency Plan when a disaster occurs. <br />E. The Director shall utilize the personnel, services, equipment, supplies and facilities of <br />existing departments and agencies of the county to the maximum extent practicable. <br />The officers and personnel of all such departments and agencies shall, to the maximum <br />extent practicable, cooperate with and extend such services and facilities to the City <br />Emergency Management organization and to the Governor upon request. The head of <br />each department or agency in cooperation with the director shall be responsible for the <br />planning and programming of such emergency activities as will involve the utilization <br />of the facilities of the department or agency. <br />F. The Director shall, in cooperation with existing City departments and agencies affected, <br />assist in the organizing, recruiting and training of such emergency management <br />personnel, that may be required on a volunteer basis to carry out the emergency plans <br />of the City and State. To the extent that such emergency personnel are recruited to <br />augment a regular City department or agency for emergencies, they shall be assigned to <br />such departments or agencies and shall be under the administration and control of said <br />department or agency. <br />G. Consistent with the State emergency services law, the Director shall coordinate the <br />activities of municipal emergency management organizations within the county and <br />assist in establishing and conducting training programs as required to assure emergency <br />operational capability in the several services (Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 12, Section <br />12.25). <br />H. The Director shall carry out all orders, rules and regulations issued by the Governor <br />with reference to emergency management. <br />Page 46 <br />
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