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MINUTES <br />CITY COUNCIL <br />FEBRUARY 28, 1996 <br />in front of the L'Allier property, the cost of which is <br />estimated at $14,000. <br />Fahey pointed out that new lots do not have the option <br />of putting in a well if water main is available. City <br />ordinance requires water main be run to a property if <br />that property is being divided. The City is saying <br />they are willing to defer this requirement, if L'Allier <br />will sign the Waiver. Fahey pointed out that L'Allier <br />could work the cost of water main into the purchase <br />price of the lot. <br />L'Allier reported he was not planning to sell the lot. <br />L'Allier indicated he would not proceed with the lot <br />split if he were required to sign a Waiver. <br />Mr. Fahey introduced the following resolution and moved <br />its adoption: <br />RESOLUTION NO. 96 -2 -45 - APPROVING THE DIVISION OF 427 <br />EAST VIKING DRIVE INTO TWO SINGLE - FAMILY LOTS AS <br />REQUESTED BY ROLAND L'ALLIER SUBJECT TO COMPLIANCE WITH <br />THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CITY PLANNER AS OUTLINED IN <br />HIS REPORT DATED FEBRUARY 2, 1996, SUBJECT TO PAYMENT <br />OF THE APPROPRIATE PARK CHARGE AS RECOMMENDED BY THE <br />PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION, AND SUBJECT TO MR. <br />L'ALLIER SIGNING A WAIVER OF RIGHT TO APPEAL SPECIAL <br />ASSESSMENT FOR BOTH PARCELS FOR FUTURE WATER MAIN <br />IMPROVEMENT ON VIKING DRIVE WITH THE INDICATION THAT <br />MR. L'ALLIER WILL BE DEEMED IN FAVOR OF SUCH <br />IMPROVEMENT AND INDICATING THAT WHEN THE NEW LOT IS <br />DEVELOPED, IT WILL BE REQUIRED TO CONNECT TO CITY WATER <br />MAIN <br />The foregoing resolution was duly seconded by LaValle. <br />Ayes (5) Fahey, LaVaile, Scalze, Pedersen, Morelan. <br />Nays (0). Resolution declared adopted. <br />PRELIMINARY Fahey opened the public hearing to consider the <br />PLAT - preliminary plat for Stoneridge which consists of <br />STONERIDGE nine single - family lots on a cul -de -sac south of County <br />® Road D and west of LaBore Road. Fahey pointed out the <br />Planning Commission as well as City staff has <br />recommended tabling action on the plat since the <br />Watershed is requiring a wetland delineation be done on <br />the property. <br />6 <br />Page 43 <br />