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APR 08-796 03 :11HrI <br />CHAPTER No. 44.+ <br />H.P. No. 2788 <br />licenses may only be issued to <br />1 3,2 ercent malt liqu or clubs, bowling centers, and <br />2 drugstores, restaurants, hotels, for the sale of 3.2 percent malt <br />3 establishments used exclusively <br />4 liquor <br />with the incidental sale of tobacco section oft dll lti. <br />5 Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes•1994, <br />6 amended by adding a subdivision to read: <br />7 Subd. 3= (TERMINOLOGY.) A olitical subdivision not8 issue a 3.2 •ercent malt liquor license that includes the term <br />9 "nonjatin li uor." <br />INSTROCTION TO REVISOR.I <br />10 Sec. 4. ( the words <br />11 The revisor of statutes shall chap e ear words <br />Minnesota <br />12 "nonintoxicatin• 11 uor" wherever the a <br />13 Statutes and Minnesota Rules to "3.2 •ercent malt 1i• or . <br />Page 54 <br />2 <br />